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 unsaturated ['ʌn'sætʃəreitid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 没有饱和的,不饱和的

    [ adj ]
    1. not saturated; capable of dissolving more of a substance at a given temperature

    2. <adj.all>
      an unsaturated salt solution
    3. used of a compound (especially of carbon) containing atoms sharing more than one valence bond

    4. <adj.all>
      unsaturated fats
    5. (of color) not chromatically pure; diluted

    6. <adj.all>
      an unsaturated red

    Unsaturated \Un*sat"u*ra`ted\, a.
    1. Capable of absorbing or dissolving to a greater degree;
    as, an unsaturated solution.

    2. (Chem.) Capable of taking up, or of uniting with, certain
    other elements or compounds, without the elimination of
    any side product; thus, aldehyde, ethylene, and ammonia
    are unsaturated; benzene has three unsaturated bonds. The
    term is applied most commonly to compounds with a double
    or triple bond between two carbon atoms (as in ethylene).
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. A 1985 study that prompted some consumers to switch from corn oil to olive oil involved a highly enriched diet because the experimenters hiked levels of unsaturated fats to measure them more easily.
    2. TENN-USS, located in Pasadena, Texas, produces 2-ethylhexanol and phthalic anhydride, key raw materials for Aristech's plasticizers and unsaturated polyester resin operations.
    3. One of the fats that undergoes this change, oleic acid, is an unsaturated fat, the kind that until now has been used to lower cholesterol levels.
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