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 unsanctioned [ʌn'sæŋkʃənd添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未批准的, 未经认可的, 不可接受的

[法] 未批准的, 未通过的, 未认可的

    [ adj ]
    without explicit official permission
    unsanctioned use of company cars

    1. The unsanctioned group has spearheaded the annexation campaign, which has led to bloodshed between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
    2. Thousands of Poles marched through the site of Warsaw's former Jewish ghetto in an unsanctioned rally to mark the 1943 ghetto uprising.
    3. More than 5,000 Poles paid homage to the heroes of the Jewish Ghetto Uprising at an unsanctioned rally Sunday, then retraced the route of condemned Jews to the deportation site for the Nazi death camps.
    4. Whatever the size, the rallies were the largest unsanctioned gatherings in Soviet history.
    5. The proclamation Sunday by the unsanctioned but popularly elected congress came the same day Baltic neighbor Lithuania declared independence from the Soviet Union and two days after the republic of Georgia condemned the Soviet annexation of its territory.
    6. It also criticized Hungary for allowing their "unsanctioned departure." In Austria, border authorities said the number of East Germans crossing from Hungary en route to West Germany climbed to 12,545 since the freedom convoy began at midnight Sunday.
    7. Rahall and Rep. Mary Rose Oakar, who are of Lebanese descent, returned Sunday from unsanctioned meetings with Christian leader Gen.
    8. In one of the AIDS epidemic's bitter ironies, Mr. Parr's hope for privacy was dashed along with his hope for reprieve by his death in the federally unsanctioned human experiment.
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