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 unpalatable [,ʌn'pælәtәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不可口的, 味道差的, 不好吃的

    [ adj ]
    not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind
    an unpalatable mealunpalatable truths
    unpalatable behavior

    1. Until late in his life an office and secretary in the Cabinet Office were reserved for his use. For more than 50 years Solly Zuckerman continued to tell people unpalatable truths, sometimes with charm but often with impatience.
    2. These unpalatable recollections are now stale; younger voters regard them as history. Labour has not merely waited for time and the leftist ascendancy over its affairs to pass.
    3. Each day's breakfast newscasts offered consumers an unpalatable diet of increasing prices.
    4. The unpalatable truth is that Britain has too many naval shipyards chasing too few orders.
    5. The threat gives Japanese politicians a way to avoid making an unpalatable decision.
    6. An unpalatable decision could not be deferred until Tory MPs were safely away on holiday. Despite his public protestations to the contrary, Mr Hurd looked less than happy at the outcome.
    7. 'If the Community cannot sort out the subsidy issue, then you would have to question what it is for,' says Mr David Rea, director of the British Iron and Steel Producers Association. The alternative to agreement is certainly unpalatable.
    8. The prospect that Ferdinand Marcos may soon die presents his successor, Corazon Aquino, with the unpalatable decision of whether to let him return home.
    9. She cannot diminish the authority given to Mr John Major by the decisive victory won under his leadership on April 9. These are unpalatable facts.
    10. And with a Pounds 50bn public sector borrowing requirement for the present year, that option is unpalatable.
    11. "I'm not in the business of making hollow promises, and I do not make idle threats," Heinz said. "I have drafted and am prepared to introduce and press legislation to make the takeover of Koppers extremely unpalatable.
    12. Forcing these owners to accept more flexible lease terms could have an unpalatable side-effects. The professional bodies such as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Law Society are caught in the middle of this argument.
    13. He was altering his previous, and for the Soviets unpalatable, proposal on chemical weapons, seeking to sign a treaty for the June summit to destroy most U.S. and Soviet chemical weapons stockpiles.
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