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 unparalleled [,ʌn'pærәleld]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无比的, 无双的, 空前的

    [ adj ]
    radically distinctive and without equal
    he is alone in the field of microbiologythis theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem
    Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint
    craftsmen whose skill is unequaled
    unparalleled athletic ability
    a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history

    Unparalleled \Un*par"al*leled\, a.
    Having no parallel, or equal; unequaled; unmatched.

    The unparalleled perseverance of the armies of the
    United States, under every suffering and
    discouragement, was little short of a miracle.

    1. "It is well documented that Mr. Wallach enjoyed unparalleled access to Mr. Meese, and saw him frequently throughout the time Mr. Meese was in the White House and at the Justice Department," said Weld.
    2. Paul Volcker was faced with an unparalleled inflationary crisis; he could not afford the luxury of a collegial leadership style similar to William McChesney Martin's.
    3. It runs something like this: Intellectually, aesthetically or in any question of the heart, the French believe themselves unparalleled.
    4. As a former congressman who represented western New York from 1965 to 1985, Mr. Conable had unparalleled success in securing funding from Congress for the World Bank, which altogether lends more than $20 billion a year.
    5. "I want to reassure the community of travel agents and the flying public that Eastern is flying, that it is flying safely and reliably, and with an unparalleled level of service and enthusiasm," he said.
    6. "The legacy of crime that this man left here is unparalleled in American jurisprudence," Turner said.
    7. Mr. Hansen also mentions Robert Freeman to bolster his case for the "unparalleled" era, arguing that Mr. Freeman's being taken from his firm's office in handcuffs received far more publicity than his eventual guilty plea.
    8. According to Wikima Consulting, which is attempting to import the idea into the UK, these meetings encourage 'unparalleled creativity, motivation and commitment'.
    9. After World War II, Mexico entered a period of unparalleled development.
    10. Just like Paris, this hamlet deep in wine-growing Burgundy went out of its way to make its bicentennial celebration an unparalleled event.
    11. In the 1989-1992 period, Mr. Suhler said, advertising is being affected by "an unparalleled coincidence of factors," including the recession, war and corporate cost-cutting stemming from restructurings.
    12. "The defendant's request for discovery is testimony to their intent to use pre-trial proceedings to delay their trial by jury and obtain unparalleled discovery in a criminal case," Stern said.
    13. The Victoria & Albert's unparalleled ironwork collection is housed in one of the oddest spaces in any museum.
    14. Andras Gulyas, head of the Foreign Ministry press department, spoke of a warranted Hungarian reaction to a "serious provocative act" by Romania, which he said was unparalleled in relations between Warsaw Pact nations.
    15. The senior senator's personal popularity in the Lone Star State is solid and his fund-raising ability unparalleled.
    16. Their work was part of the Journal's broader commitment and unparalleled coverage of Wall Street and the financial markets."
    17. Led by Japan a group of dynamic East Asian economies appears to have flouted the rules of market economics yet achieved unparalleled economic success. If these countries have found a new elixir of growth, the rest of the world needs the formula.
    18. Garner's popularity with his fans, and now with the Cedars-Sinai staff, is unparalleled, said hospital spokesman Ron Wise, describing the bags of mail and gardens of flowers sent by well-wishers.
    19. The policy was abandoned July 22, he said, because of the unparalleled intensity of the blazes.
    20. Treasury Secretary Baker cited an "unparalleled business expansion" yesterday in discounting the Wednesday decline.
    21. QED, eh? Some years ago, it might not have seemed incongruous for a British minister to boast of the unparalleled honesty of his country's politics.
    22. He added that "the only factor that could support the dollar (would have been) incredible and unparalleled Japanese participation" in Thursday's third leg of the U.S. Treasury's refunding operation.
    23. And we have an unparalleled record of solid growth.
    24. "`Lassie,' through books, motion pictures and television, has provided an unparalleled level of wholesome family entertainment for nearly a half century.
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