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 unparliamentary   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 违反议会法的, 不符议会惯例的, 议会所不允许的

    [ adj ]
    so rude and abusive as to be unsuitable for parliament

    Unparliamentary \Un*par`lia*men"ta*ry\, a.
    Not parliamentary; contrary to the practice of parliamentary
    bodies. -- {Un*par`lia*men"ta*ri*ness}, n.

    1. Walker said the remarks "were unparliamentary in nature" and should not have been made.
    2. She said one of the patients referred to had received a letter of apology from the hospital: 'That does not sound to me like something that did not happen.' Miss Boothroyd said she regarded what the prime minister had said as unparliamentary.
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