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 unpardonable [,ʌn'pɑ:dnәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不可原谅的, 不可宽恕的

    [ adj ]
    not admitting of pardon
    unpardonable behavior

    Unpardonable \Un*par"don*a*ble\, a.
    Not admitting of pardon or forgiveness; inexcusable.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Following a Cabinet meeting last week, Kaifu called Kajiyama into his office and told him his remarks were "inappropriate and unpardonable," giving him a "stern warning," Foreign Ministry spokesman Taizo Watanabe told a news briefing on Tuesday.
    2. Knight's friends worry that one day his temper might get the best of him and spin him into an unpardonable act, like former Ohio State football coach Woody Hayes's punching of an opposing player on the sideline of a bowl game.
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