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 unhealthy [,ʌn'helθi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不健康的

    unhealthier, unhealthiest
    [ adj ]
    1. not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind

    2. <adj.all>
      unhealthy ulcers
    3. detrimental to health

    4. <adj.all>
    5. not conducive to good health

    6. <adj.all>
      an unhealthy diet of fast foods
      an unhealthy climate

    1. Because of the nature of its business, Nutri/System may be especially prone to charges that its plan is unhealthy.
    2. Hawkins said that an analysis conducted by the NRDC showed that unhealthy levels of smog occurred about twice as often in many American cities than the EPA statistics suggest.
    3. The EPA recently began removing some of that carpeting, which workers complain is giving off unhealthy chemicals.
    4. The Korean government is discouraging the consumption of luxury goods because it considers that unhealthy for the Korean economy.
    5. With more than 100 million people breathing air the government considers unhealthy and growing concern over the destruction of streams and lakes by acid rain, there is little disagreement over the need for tougher federal air pollution controls.
    6. "These products are 100% fat, and a high fat diet is unhealthy." Excess fat increases the likelihood of cancer and other chronic diseases as well as obesity, he added.
    7. But a conversation I recently had with several veteran airline employees while they were dead-heading home reminded me that something unhealthy and in the long run destructive is also at work in the economy.
    8. Before the bank failures, MCorp officials had fiercely resisted pumping any holding company assets into unhealthy units.
    9. Israel, which since 1967 has slipped (against its better judgment) into an unhealthy degree of diplomatic, economic and technological dependence on the US, suddenly feels a disturbingly cool breeze from Washington.
    10. Still, Mr. Raveis says, "We've had an unhealthy patient here for a long time.
    11. Already, the Centers for Disease Control last week reported that the adult smoking rate has dipped to a new low of 26.5%, and to many Americans the habit is not only unhealthy but unfashionable.
    12. Ms. Russell maintains size discrimination was the sole reason for her dismissal from Salve Regina, but school officials argue she was unhealthy because she suffered from an eating disorder and was physically unable to handle patients.
    13. The agency released test results showing that in eight states, about one-fourth of 11,000 randomly tested homes had radon readings considered unhealthy.
    14. Economists said construction was not at unhealthy levels, particularly when compared with a sharp slump in December and January.
    15. Many people regarded the concentration of media ownership in his hands as excessive and unhealthy even before he went into politics, and when he did so his opponents not unnaturally claimed that it gave him an unfair advantage.
    16. For many South Africans patriotism has always been a dirty word, full of unhealthy political resonances about being on the side of the oppressor.
    17. It is something 'unhealthy'.
    18. Although Massachusetts' technological base is impressive in breadth as well as depth, by the start of the 1980s the defence industry had come to assume an unhealthy dominance.
    19. TB is spread in unhealthy environments reminiscent of the poorhouses of the past.
    20. Overall, said the EPA, about one-fourth of the 37,000 homes tested in 25 states so far have shown unhealthy indoor radon levels.
    21. Unlike gasolone, methanol does not produce the hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that are an ingredient in the ozone that causes the severe smog problems that have made the air unhealthy in nearly 100 metropolitan areas.
    22. "I think the message is out that the deep tan is unhealthy." The study found 44 percent had not changed their habits concerning outdoor activities one year after removal of their cancers, despite a doctor's repeated counseling.
    23. "Surely it is no consolation to the one or two individuals who become infected after innocently consenting to medical care by an unhealthy doctor that they were part of a rare statistic," the judges wrote in their 27-page opinion.
    24. Los Angeles, the smoggiest city, for example, would have until the year 2010 to eliminate unhealthy levels of ozone, the main ingredient in smog.
    25. The Natural Resources Defense Council said Monday that in many large American cities unhealthy levels of smog are twice as frequent during the hot summer months as EPA estimates would indicate.
    26. But NCNB nixed the idea because it was reluctant to taint the bank's image with the same strategies adopted by the state's "unhealthy" banks.
    27. For the first nine months of this year, Texas Commerce's $840 million in nonperforming loans represented an unhealthy 6.5% of total loans, and its net income fell 50% from a year earlier, to $41.2 million, or $1.25 a share.
    28. "The smoggy summer of '88 is an unpleasant preview of a dirty, unhealthy future unless Congress strengthens the Clean Air Act by restricting emissions from motor vehicles and industrial polluters," he said.
    29. Outlook said censors agreed Chinese films should not hurt China or the unity of its numerous nationalities, nor should they distort history or exert an unhealthy influence on the morals of the people.
    30. It is this policy that allows unhealthy conditions to exist in the cabin.
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