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 unhinge [,ʌn'hindʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 取下...的绞链, 拉开, 搅乱, 使分开


    Unhinge \Un*hinge"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + hinge.]
    1. To take from the hinges; as, to unhinge a door.

    2. To displace; to unfix by violence. --Blackmore.

    3. To render unstable or wavering; to unsettle; as, to
    unhinge one's mind or opinions; to unhinge the nerves.

    Why should I then unhinge my brains, ruin my mind?

    His sufferings, nay the revolutions of his fate, had
    not in the least unhinged his mind. --Walpole.

    1. A week at the center of these fevers was enough, not surprisingly, to unhinge Johnson himself; that became clear when he announced that, as long as anyone had to contract AIDS, he was glad it was him.
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