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 unhurt   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 没有受害的, 没有负伤的

    [ adj ]
    1. not injured

    2. <adj.all>
    3. free from danger or injury

    4. <adj.all>
      the children were found safe and sound

    1. It said the wife and child were unhurt and were in Hungarian custody, adding that the family failed in an earlier border-crossing attempt.
    2. Startled but unhurt, Colbath ruled Bryant in contempt, and the defendant shot back some profanity.
    3. The driver, who also was wearing a lap-shoulder belt, walked away unhurt.
    4. Guerrillas seized a U.S. Embassy employee's home Wednesday, but the family was allowed to leave the area unhurt, the State Department said in Washington.
    5. Two people were wounded in the attack and another escaped unhurt, the report said.
    6. Mrs. Gullett and Koenig were unhurt.
    7. Lagos Guardian, an independent newspaper, said the death toll was high because two buses were among vehicles caught in the blaze. The driver of the truck escaped unhurt from Friday night's accident, said the Guardian.
    8. Their driver was unhurt.
    9. The militiaman's 9-year-old son was critically wounded and two other relatives escaped unhurt, Almadin added.
    10. "I've done so much thinking about the people who died," said Reed, who was at a park a few blocks away when the storm hit and who was unhurt.
    11. I went back into the place to look for my wife," who he said was in shock but unhurt.
    12. His nose was bandaged but he was otherwise unhurt.
    13. Aristide escaped unhurt and went into hiding.
    14. The woman who lives in the other half of the duplex was unhurt.
    15. Rimington grabbed the man and held him around the neck until police came about five minutes later, said Eskin, who was unhurt.
    16. Four people were hurt in the melee that followed, but the Rovers escaped unhurt by climbing out stadium windows and clambering down fire escapes, security officials said.
    17. Mr. Henderson, who maintains contact with the flush-mounted rubber plate still in the ground, stands unhurt and waves to the cheering crowd.
    18. A woman and two children were injured, but nine other residents escaped unhurt from the building at Rosenthal near the Dutch border.
    19. Three men thrown from their boat by a freak wave while on a diving expedition were rescued unhurt after 16 hours in the English Channel off Lyme Regis.
    20. A carrier-based SH-3H Sea King helicopter carrying 17 sailors ditched in the Red Sea during a training exercise but all were rescued unhurt, the Navy said.
    21. Palma ducked and was unhurt when the 30-year-old Pakistani tried to hit him.
    22. Rescue workers, some with tears in their eyes, broke into applause as the exhausted but otherwise unhurt survivors were brought to the surface in a special cage that had been lowered into a shaft by a crane.
    23. The children and mother who witnessed the attack were unhurt, police said.
    24. The car is damaged, but you are unhurt.
    25. Colombia's finance minister, Mr Rudolf Hommes, escaped unhurt in a bomb attack on his armour-plated car yesterday morning.
    26. The vice president's mother, Rebecca de San Roman, was unhurt.
    27. The couple's three children, who were sleeping in an upstairs bedroom, were unhurt and were led to safety by neighbors, said Herbert Kauffman, assistant police chief for this Detroit suburb.
    28. Bakhtiar was unhurt, but a neighbor and a policeman were killed and three other people injured.
    29. A gunman early Sunday killed four people and seriously wounded a young woman, but two children found with them inside a mobile home were unhurt, authorities said.
    30. Transue, who works for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., took the phone apart and found the tiny creature, apparently unhurt, in the space behind the bucket.
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