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 unhurried [,ʌn'hʌrid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不慌忙的, 不急的, 从容不迫的

    [ adj ]
    1. relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste

    2. <adj.all>
      people strolling about in an unhurried way
      an unhurried walk
      spoke in a calm and unhurried voice
    3. capable of accepting delay with equanimity

    4. <adj.all>
      was unhurried with the small children

    1. Its diversification appears prudent and unhurried: in chilled foods, it has taken a careful approach, waiting for the expected higher margins to come through; and in France much the same story.
    2. Instead he must be an unhurried, placid and cerebral person who will not hesitate, should his reason dictate, to cut national losses and quit the cause.
    3. The opening was lovely: a pianissimo thrill in the air, unhurried eloquence in the first brass phrases. On the other hand - doubts set in with the second subject, which arrived without a trace of its natural Austrian lilt.
    4. The oil crises, inflationary pressures, monetary instability and other woes that dominated previous summits seem contained, giving the government leaders time to take an unhurried look at matters such as the environment and Third World debt.
    5. The concerto has just two movements, each of them lyrically ruminative at unhurried tempi.
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