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 unheard [,ʌn'hә:d]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 没有被听到的, 未予倾听的, 未予考虑的

    [ adj ]
    not necessarily inaudible but not heard

    Unheard \Un*heard"\, a.
    1. Not heard; not perceived by the ear; as, words unheard by
    those present.

    2. Not granted an audience or a hearing; not allowed to
    speak; not having made a defense, or stated one's side of
    a question; disregarded; unheeded; as, to condem? a man

    What pangs I feel, unpitied and unheard! --Dryden.

    3. Not known to fame; not illustrious or celebrated; obscure.

    Nor was his name unheard or unadored. --Milton.

    {Unheard of}.
    (a) Not heard of; of which there are no tidings.
    (b) Unknown to fame; obscure. --Glanvill.

    1. Once virtually unheard of except at the local level, walleye tournaments are big business across the western two-thirds of the country.
    2. Was it concern for the law that caused the House of Representatives to stay in session all night for emotional, if unheard, speeches?
    3. Pleading guilty to six felony counts - "an unheard of amount," Coffee said.
    4. A public outburst by an army general, a dispute over the vice presidency and previously unheard of votes on policy matters upset the script at what is usually a pre-arranged ceremonial occasion.
    5. That means, she told the assembly, bringing "the unheard, unheeded voices of women into full participation."
    6. Hundreds of preparations, microwave items and many others commonly found in today's supermarkets were unheard of a few years ago.
    7. The withdrawal of a bond counsel opinion on debt that has already been sold to investors is "almost unheard of," he said.
    8. The latest opinion poll gave the opposition Labour party an almost unheard of 50 percentage-point lead.
    9. Its thud has largely gone unheard.
    10. Such an aggressive marketing strategy is unheard of in this country, where banks usually agree among themselves what is permissible activity.
    11. "It's almost unheard of to make $1 million.
    12. When Marion launched the telemarketing program in 1977 to save on travel costs, telemarketing was almost unheard of in the drug industry; since then, some other big drug houses have followed suit.
    13. "Such a procedure is unheard of in trial courts in this country, where the normal course is to approach the high court for transfer of the suit," Judge M.W. Deo said.
    14. Stark presented evidence unheard at the first trial, which he claims was rushed to make Varon's rights to Gilbert's story more profitable.
    15. The best people in Hollywood operate with a freedom that is unheard of in Japan.
    16. Educators and philanthropy watchers said the gifts would be remarkable for U.S. colleges, and is unheard of for a high school.
    17. Word quickly spread of his very real compassion for his sailors, unheard of before.
    18. Doering at the University of Florida; five years ago, he says, the practice was virtually unheard of at HMOs.
    19. "But it's not unheard of to think we could get at least 20% to 30%," Mr. Koenig said.
    20. "They have asked to extend payments to 75 days," which the supplier says is "unheard of," even for Seagate.
    21. "It's unheard of that one of the most dangerous terrorists in the country has escaped from what is supposed to be the country's most secure prison," Dammert said.
    22. The bipartisan leadership of Congress issued a joint statement expressing support for the Republican president, a step that was unheard of in the rancorous and bitter partisan debates that marked major foreign policy actions in the Reagan administration.
    23. Vietnam is one of the most expensive countries in the world for IDD calls. Credit cards, unheard of a couple of years ago, are being accepted in more and more places.
    24. A previously unheard of group, The Cells of Armed Struggle, sent a statement to a Western news agency a few hours after Mann was last seen, claiming responsibility for an abduction but not identifying the victim.
    25. "That's certainly not unheard of," confirms Andrea West, who heads marketing for American Telephone & Telegraph Co.'s 900 service.
    26. Such actions were practically unheard of 15 years ago.
    27. He leaned on us for advice, which was unheard of in the first term." Dukakis leaned on nobody for advice in his first term.
    28. A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating the episode for possible fraud, calls Mr. Gherman's letter "unusual, but not unheard of" in such cases.
    29. It isn't unheard of for some large thrifts, such as Columbia Savings & Loan, to invest in junk bonds.
    30. In Massachusetts, that conviction means life without parole, almost unheard of in a homicide stemming from a street fight.
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