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 unheated 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    not having been heated or warmed
    an unheated roomunwarmed rolls

    1. Khomeini was a healthy, alert 76. His lifestyle was spartan: rough blankets to keep out the cold in the unheated cottage; an apple and a bowl of bean soup for lunch; no television.
    2. It was charged that the couple held the children captive for at least three years in the unlit, unheated apartment where they were sexually abused, beaten or had their heads held underwater.
    3. Off the stand, Ms. Britt told Maroc that she was taking cocaine during the time in January that young Darlwin was forced to live in the unheated attic apartment.
    4. Some of the refugees had spent 14 hours in locked, unheated East German trains because of lengthy delays.
    5. After two nights there, the refugees crowded into the unheated cars of special trains East Germany provided for the last leg of their journey to freedom.
    6. The Afghan army "can defend the country against any onslaught, and we will prove it," Najib said at a two-hour news conference at the Foreign Ministry, in a room unheated because of the fuel shortage in the capital.
    7. Children bundle up for classes in temporary, unheated buildings. They wake up crying at night and run from classrooms in fright at the slightest noise.
    8. The mother of a 9-year-old girl who lost her lower legs to frostbite last winter after being locked in an unheated apartment was sentenced today to 14 years in prison for felony child neglect.
    9. Critical areas to be insulated include walls between heated and unheated areas, basement walls, floors above unheated crawl spaces and masonry walls in heated crawl spaces.
    10. Critical areas to be insulated include walls between heated and unheated areas, basement walls, floors above unheated crawl spaces and masonry walls in heated crawl spaces.
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