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 uneasiness [,ʌn'i:zinis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不舒适, 不安, 局促

    [ noun ]
    1. feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable

    2. <noun.feeling>
    3. physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)

    4. <noun.state>
    5. embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you

    6. <noun.feeling>
    7. the trait of seeming ill at ease

    8. <noun.attribute>
    9. inability to rest or relax or be still

    10. <noun.attribute>

    Uneasiness \Un*eas"i*ness\, n.
    1. The quality or state of being uneasy; restlessness;
    disquietude; anxiety.

    2. The quality of making uneasy; discomfort; as, the
    uneasiness of the road. [Obs.] -- Bp. Burnet.

    1. The rally followed a surge of buying on Wednesday and may reflect the market's uneasiness about the government's plan to ship $10 million worth of U.S. pork bellies to Poland as part of a food-aid package.
    2. Trading volume was light, partly reflecting uneasiness about a government report to be released Wednesday on the economy's growth in the second quarter.
    3. It is this demand that causes the greatest uneasiness among Solidarity veterans.
    4. Bond traders have registered their uneasiness by pushing the yield on long-term Treasury bonds up from about 8 percent to nearly 9 percent over the past several weeks.
    5. In one indication of the uneasiness over the outcome, Gillette shares dropped $1.75 to close at $40.25 on heavy volume of 1.3 million shares in New York Stock Exchange composite trading.
    6. With the lossmaking German enterprise in mind there is bound to be some uneasiness over the group's decision to expand its European operations.
    7. And at least one analyst has voiced uneasiness over management changes made last summer.
    8. Even so, he and others agree the Federal Reserve may have to take bolder steps to shore up the dollar and soothe growing uneasiness about inflation.
    9. One is uneasiness about the uprisings in China, questions about how the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe changes are going to play out and a feeling that President Bush in his first eight months has been very successful.
    10. But EPA officials emphasized that the statistics represented only raw numbers that have yet to be analyzed, and some expressed uneasiness with releasing them altogether without further interpretation.
    11. Asked Monday whether he reported that uneasiness to any of his superiors, or sought assurances from them, he answered: "That's sort of a touchy one.
    12. The bourse was closed yesterday for the May Day holiday and reopens on Monday. The attack also underlines Mr Mitterrand's uneasiness about job losses generally.
    13. Nevertheless, uneasiness about that future might help explain why Michael Dukakis took a strong early lead over George Bush in this state.
    14. The slaying of actress Rebecca Schaeffer on July 18, allegedly by an obsessed fan, has heightened celebrities' uneasiness about mentally unstable fans.
    15. I'm delighted with the sales we've made." Market analysts say the increased investment demand for gold indicates uneasiness among investors worldwide about the U.S. economy and the political changes sweeping Eastern Europe.
    16. Michio Wada Special Adviser, Pacific Hawaiian Tours The only uneasiness I have felt occurred when I visited Pearl Harbor itself.
    17. Interest rates remained stuck in a narrow groove again yesterday in light activity, partly reflecting uneasiness about three government economic reports to be released tomorrow and Friday.
    18. McGrann and Franzen said in an interview Thursday the decision to resign came after some clients had voiced their uneasiness with the firm's link to Cristiani, and the lawyers' own personal and professional convictions compelled them to quit.
    19. "There's a lot of uneasiness right now," said Frank Masi, vice president of international equity trading at First Boston.
    20. Wall Street analysts said although there was uneasiness about the severe selloff in Tokyo traders took comfort from the limited impact the slump had on markets elsewhere around the world.
    21. Stock prices fell today in selling attributed to uneasiness over the economic outlook and political developments in the Soviet Union.
    22. His uneasiness," the mother contends.
    23. "The long delay on the one hand and the importance of the mission on the other may have created undue pressure and uneasiness on the flight crew," the report said.
    24. Task force chairman Rep. Bruce Vento, D-Minn., also voiced uneasiness about punishing Texas.
    25. Roh said the recent "heightening of uneasiness" had been partly caused by what he called illegal labor strikes at the state television network and the nation's largest shipyard.
    26. Despite some U.S. impatience with West German uneasiness and indecision, American officials realize that unquantifiable psychological factors could in the end determine how loyal an ally Bonn remains.
    27. Foreign exchange dealers said uneasiness over the trade figures also pushed the dollar down, but compared to Tuesday the pressure was lower.
    28. To the chagrin of the Japanese, a sudden sense of investor insecurity and uneasiness is taking hold.
    29. Her treatment of the 1760s and 1770s is quite splendid in this and subsequent chapters, although the very slight treatment of Ireland creates an uneasiness.
    30. We cannot maintain that commitment if we're heavily leveraged, particularly during a recession." Stock prices retreated in sluggish trading Tuesday amid uneasiness about the economy's weakness and pessimism about the chances for lower interest rates.
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