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 uneasy [,ʌn'i:zi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 心神不安的, 不自在的, 不稳定的, 不舒服的

    [ adj ]
    1. lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance

    2. <adj.all>
      farmers were uneasy until rain finally came
      uneasy about his health
      gave an uneasy laugh
      uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
      an uneasy coalition government
      an uneasy calm
      an uneasy silence fell on the group
    3. lacking or not affording physical or mental rest

    4. <adj.all>
      a restless night
      she fell into an uneasy sleep
    5. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

    6. <adj.all>
      spent an anxious night waiting for the test results
      cast anxious glances behind her
      those nervous moments before takeoff
      an unquiet mind
    7. socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner

    8. <adj.all>
      awkward and reserved at parties
      ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know
      was always uneasy with strangers
    9. relating to bodily unease that causes discomfort

    10. <adj.all>

    Uneasy \Un*eas"y\, a.
    1. Not easy; difficult. [R.]

    Things . . . so uneasy to be satisfactorily
    understood. --Boyle.

    The road will be uneasy to find. --Sir W.

    2. Restless; disturbed by pain, anxiety, or the like;
    disquieted; perturbed.

    The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
    Rests and expatiates in a life to come. --Pope.

    3. Not easy in manner; constrained; stiff; awkward; not
    graceful; as, an uneasy deportment.

    4. Occasioning want of ease; constraining; cramping;
    disagreeable; unpleasing. ``His uneasy station.''

    A sour, untractable nature makes him uneasy to those
    who approach him. --Addison.

    1. For the many Beijing residents who scorn the government but are uneasy about social unrest, it's a matter of enduring the propaganda and the police.
    2. The incident and my subsequent silence still makes me feel uneasy, but I felt bound by a code.
    3. THE LABOUR MP who brokered the uneasy compromise at the heart of today's report had expected to spend last Tuesday evening at the Whitbread Book of the Year awards.
    4. With the vast Indian Ocean to its south and uneasy neighbors to its north, India is building up its military might.
    5. Kim Young Sam and the other main opposition leader, Kim Dae Jung, ended an uneasy coalition of anti-government forces in September when they failed to agree on which of them would be the Reunification and Democracy Party's nominee for president.
    6. I was uneasy too (and remain so) about the cost, swollen not only by the numbers involved, but the need to submit to fees dictated by the international market.
    7. Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait has made the gulf sheikdoms uneasy about maintaining their hold on power and exposed them to Western scrutiny, and some have made concessions to their populations.
    8. It is driven dancing, uneasy in manner - the short-breathed musical form may have encouraged this response - and curiously arid.
    9. But relations between Solidarity and the government it helped create remained uneasy.
    10. Some Democrats are uneasy about the possibility that Mr. Bush will criticize them in his televised address to Congress on the Middle East crisis scheduled for 9 p.m. today.
    11. Aoun sought to strengthen his presidential chances by forging a hasty and uneasy alliance with Geagea.
    12. What's amazing is that Lavin manages to evoke a sense of pity for this woman, making the ending moving and a bit teary as mother and daughter come to a sort of uneasy truce at the final curtain.
    13. The ultimate vogue word of the 1980s, a sort of uneasy catch-all to describe contemporary art, literature, rock music, etc.
    14. Senior conservatives are growing uneasy about the People's Party backing President Kurt Waldheim, who for the first time in an opinion poll did not muster the support of a majority of Austrian voters.
    15. But many arbitragers, uneasy about Young's financial arrangements, decided to go along with the management group's offer, despite its lower price.
    16. 'It's going to make some folks in the company uneasy, but we have to look at ourselves in the mirror.
    17. David Rothenberg is terrified, his mother is frantic and prison officials are uneasy.
    18. Attendance is optional and some other religions also are arranging classes, but the government's decision has left many people uneasy.
    19. India and Pakistan have been uneasy neighbors since they were created by the 1947 partition that ended British colonial rule of the subcontinent.
    20. Since the April National Assembly elections, Mr. Roh and the opposition have observed an uneasy political truce, trying to emphasize compromise.
    21. Au Printemps has allowed Lazard to exercise control, but Euromarche's disappointing financial performance in recent years made for an uneasy alliance.
    22. But Orenstein indicated that he was uneasy with the growing influence of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the American-born member of the Knesset who proposes expelling the Arabs from Israel and its occupied territories.
    23. Another benefit: Tandem insists that sabbatical-bound employees train their replacements so that co-workers gain new skills while filling in. Some hard-chargers are uneasy about taking off for an extended period, Ms. DiPietro concedes.
    24. Some less prominent Conservatives also are uneasy about the Thatcher style in Europe.
    25. Still, he says, heated exchanges that occurred early in the proceedings have cooled and the parties have reached an uneasy peace.
    26. It has been suggested that Fitch has had an uneasy relationship with the firm's French partners. The company - which has a December year-end, but has yet to announce its preliminary results - was rescued in 1992 by a refinancing.
    27. The uneasy Likud-Labor alliance was forged after inconclusive parliamentary elections last year.
    28. But the nagging questions about his electability because of concerns over his character leave many black leaders, like Sen. Trotter, uneasy.
    29. Michael Metz at Oppenheimer & Co. is a bit more uneasy about the market.
    30. There is an uneasy sense hereabouts that Washington budget cutters could turn in earnest to the 1985 act once the November elections are safely past.
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