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 unedited [ʌn'ɛdɪtɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未编辑的, 未刊行的, 未经检查的, 未经审查的, 未经剪辑的

[计] 非编辑的

    [ adj ]
    not changed by editing

    1. The magazines feature prose, artwork, poetry and reviews submitted by readers, published virtually unedited.
    2. China Central Television apparently intercepted the unedited video as ABC sent it by satellite to New York.
    3. The judge also said if he released an unedited version for potential witnesses and defendants to see, it would "lessen the likelihood of them telling the truth" in current grand jury proceedings.
    4. The list of cooperative ventures also included working together on curriculum and exchanging articles that would be published, unedited, in each organization's respective journals.
    5. As much as anything, most tourists are interested in the daily life of the North Korean people, and the biggest frustration may be the lack of opportunities to witness it unedited.
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