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 uneconomic   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不经济的, 浪费的

[经] 不经济的, 不实用的

    [ adj ]
    wasteful of resources

    1. Manifestly uneconomic projects have been pursued, such as the disastrous Ajaokuta steel plant.
    2. But the cost of hedging their currency positions could make the transaction uneconomic. Another drawback to the growth of securitisation in Europe is the lack of regulation on off-balance-sheet financing.
    3. Crisps, baked beans and bread are just three products where prices have been driven down to uneconomic levels. Each manufacturer has its own bete noire.
    4. U.S. oil companies have been shutting down wells since 1986 when a collapse of crude prices made many smaller wells uneconomic.
    5. The EC never wanted to force users to waste money, so other protocols are allowed if standards-based products are uneconomic over the life of the system, if the standards are ill-defined or untestable, or if the technology is new and unproven.
    6. They must live with the uneconomic consequences, he says.
    7. Water companies also say that it is often very expensive to the point of being uneconomic to detect and fix leaks in pipes buried several metres underground. However, others in the industry say privately that some problems could have been tackled earlier.
    8. The DSD's most counter-productive success has been in collecting plastic, which is technologically difficult - and thus uneconomic - to recycle.
    9. A large damage award would bolster arguments by some Lloyd's underwriters that the policies are "uneconomic" because of large U.S. jury awards and the potential that new claims may emerge after decades.
    10. Unless their agenda includes reducing society's output, environmentalists can see this in terms of minimizing the uneconomic import of water into naturally dry areas.
    11. President Yeltsin was quoted in a local newspaper in the town of Nikel as saying that the huge nickel complex in the area should be closed because it was uneconomic.
    12. It is now about to pay the price in the form of a massive subsidy to an uneconomic coal industry. Nor can Mr Lamont.
    13. 'Unfortunately we have an uneconomic cost structure but we are well into fixing the problem.'
    14. The plant was closed in 1989 after proving to be uneconomic.
    15. The Daily Star, after poor sales averaging about 786,000 in February, had shot up to more than 825,000 in March. Part of the cost-cutting had come from closing uneconomic titles.
    16. Financial analysts believe many investors may avoid purchasing shares in National Power, the generating company that would inherit the remaining five unreliable and uneconomic nuclear plants.
    17. It is now experimenting by burning half waste-derived fuel to half coal. Cement manufacturers have worked hard in recent years to reduce costs by closing uneconomic plants and cutting labour forces.
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