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 territorial sea 添加此单词到默认生词本
【法】 领海

    Territorial waters \Ter`ri*to"ri*al wa"ters\ (Internat. Law)
    The waters under the territorial jurisdiction of a state;
    specif., the belt (often called the

    {marine belt} or

    {territorial sea}) of sea subject to such jurisdiction, and
    subject only to the right of innocent passage by the
    vessels of other states.

    Perhaps it may be said without impropriety that a
    state has theoretically the right to extend its
    territorial waters from time to time at its will
    with the increased range of guns. Whether it would
    in practice be judicious to do so . . . is a widely
    different matter . . . . In any case the custom of
    regulating a line three miles from land as defining
    the boundary of marginal territorial waters is so
    far fixed that a state must be supposed to accept it
    in absence of express notice. --W. E. Hall.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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