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 terrorist ['terәrist]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恐怖分子

[法] 恐怖份子, 恐怖主义

    [ noun ]
    a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities

    Terrorist \Ter"ror*ist\, n. [F. terroriste.]
    1. One who governs by terrorism or intimidation;
    specifically, an agent or partisan of the revolutionary
    tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France. --Burke.

    2. One who commits terrorism[2].

    1. Two intriguing messages from a Lebanese terrorist group, the recent release of a West German hostage, and an apparent political shift in Iran are kindling fresh hopes that some of the nine American hostages in Lebanon will be set free this year.
    2. The December 1988 bombing, which killed 270 people aboard the plane and in the village of Lockerbie, has been attributed by law enforcement authorities to a pro-Iranian terrorist group.
    3. Bremer said earlier this month that the State Department will make sure any airline travel warning issued to government employees about terrorist threats will also go to the general public.
    4. A decade ago, Communist leaders harbored the elusive international terrorist "Carlos", who masterminded deadly attacks in Western Europe and is still at large, the new government says.
    5. More recently, these officials said, there have been reports of contacts in Lebanon between the JRA and members of the Abu Nidal Palestinian terrorist group, which is headquartered in Libya.
    6. The survey, which included passenger deaths caused by criminal or terrorist acts, also found international jet flights have become statistically less risky among industrialized nations.
    7. Israel views the PLO as a terrorist organization and rejects the idea of an international conference.
    8. The State Department said Thursday that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was not telling the truth when he asserted that he has halted support for international terrorist activities.
    9. The Energy Department is urging aviation authorities to restrict flights over its military nuclear reactors to make them more secure against potential terrorist attack.
    10. One may debate whether or not the policy of making deals with terrorist chieftains while shooting only at underlings was wise.
    11. Pan American World Airways also is trying to prove that Israel warned U.S. authorities about an impending terrorist attack on Flight 103.
    12. Despite Col. Moammar Gadhafi's promise of continued support for liberation and alleged terrorist groups around the world, Western and Palestinian sources say the Libyan leader is cutting back on such aid.
    13. It will press the PLO, or at least PLO member groups, to step up terrorist activities on Iraq's behalf, further undermining the PLO's image.
    14. But there are two bright sides to "True Blue," although it must be said its debut wastes guest star Amanda Plummer in a role of few lines and many squints as your basic Anglo-Saxon female member of your basic Middle East terrorist cell.
    15. They ascribe this to the fact that "all our pieces are now in place in the Middle East, and there hasn't been some unforeseen blow-up," such as a terrorist attack on U.S. targets.
    16. Ties were broken at the height of a battle of wills over an Iranian Embassy employee wanted for questioning about terrorist attacks in Paris.
    17. Jacques Correze, 79 years old, also was a member in the 1930s of a terrorist group that persecuted Jews.
    18. The spokesman said two of the Arabs asked to be deported rather than continue serving lengthy prison sentences for terrorist activities.
    19. However, 57 percent said the airlines should be required to announce all terrorist threats they receive.
    20. A coming State Department report on terrorism will assert that in the past year the Sudan has "enhanced" its cooperation with terrorist organizations, including the notorious Abu Nidal organization based in nearby Libya.
    21. The Socialist government today postponed a ruling on whether to extradite a suspected Palestinian terrorist to the United States, saying it would decide after June 18 elections.
    22. In the ensuing investigation, it was revealed that U.S. authorities had received warnings about the possibility of a terrorist attack but had not made them public, believing they were not necessarily reliable and might unduly spread alarm.
    23. "Other countries would give a Palestinian terrorist who killed a baby the chair, the noose or life behind bars.
    24. No known incidents have occurred of attacks in China against Chinese or foreign residents, and China has good relations with Mideast nations which have been accused of fostering terrorist activities.
    25. She said the United States used the group to "foment economic chaos and carry out terrorist acts."
    26. He told the court he knew he was violating a 1986 amendment to the anti-terror law that prohibits holding meetings with terrorist organizations.
    27. Officials said anti-terrorist specialists were called in to help in the investigation on the basis that terrorist groups could use the forms to make false identification papers.
    28. But negotiations became mired in Israel's objection to talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization, which Israel considers a terrorist organization and Palestinians consider their legitimate representative.
    29. Soldiers killed a suspected veteran IRA terrorist and a former official of the IRA's political wing Tuesday at a shootout southwest of Belfast, police reported.
    30. Police and other security sources, however, blamed the Fatah-Revolutionary Council group of Palestinian terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal.
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