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 territory ['tɛrə`torɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 领土, 领地, 版图, 地区, 活动范围

[经] (推销员等的)推销区域

    [ noun ]
    1. a region marked off for administrative or other purposes

    2. <noun.location>
    3. an area of knowledge or interest

    4. <noun.cognition>
      his questions covered a lot of territory
    5. the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state

    6. <noun.location>
      American troops were stationed on Japanese soil

    Territory \Ter"ri*to*ry\, n.; pl. {Territories}. [L.
    territorium, from terra the earth: cf. F. territoire. See
    1. A large extent or tract of land; a region; a country; a

    He looked, and saw wide territory spread
    Before him -- towns, and rural works between.

    2. The extent of land belonging to, or under the dominion of,
    a prince, state, or other form of government; often, a
    tract of land lying at a distance from the parent country
    or from the seat of government; as, the territory of a
    State; the territories of the East India Company.

    3. In the United States, a portion of the country not
    included within the limits of any State, and not yet
    admitted as a State into the Union, but organized with a
    separate legislature, under a Territorial governor and
    other officers appointed by the President and Senate of
    the United States. In Canada, a similarly organized
    portion of the country not yet formed into a Province.

    1. In its frequent second-guessing of the colonial administration, Xinhua has come to be viewed widely as a parallel authority in the territory.
    2. Ruled that the U.S. territory of Guam and its officials may not be sued for allegedly violating a much-used federal civil rights law.
    3. Namibia has been ruled by South Africa since World War I, when the League of Nations gave it a mandate to administer the territory.
    4. If it passes, the result could be the emergence of a state larger than Germany in territory and as populous as France.
    5. "It goes with the territory."
    6. While some people say the airport will not attract enough business to be viable, others say it is essential to attract foreign investment and bring more tourists to the territory.
    7. Turkey has grossly violated human rights in Cyprus since it invaded the island in 1974, occupying 37% of its territory and forcibly uprooting some 200,000 Greek-Cypriots.
    8. Finance Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, leaders of the center-left Labor Party that shares power with Shamir's Likud, favor trading territory for peace, though not the creation of a Palestinian state.
    9. He said it was possible that the Bank of Japan "staked out" the 158-yen level as "territory" to defend.
    10. An acquisition by PG&E would be the ultimate irony for the Sacramento utility, which was spawned by a revolt against the investor-owned utility and which took over PG&E service territory in 1947 after a long, bitter battle.
    11. He has held talks with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz on the situation in the area and the Israeli occupied territory.
    12. To defend occupying foreign territory on the ground that it helps protect illegally held territory "is a little too complicated," says Richard Moose former assistant secretary of state for Africa.
    13. To defend occupying foreign territory on the ground that it helps protect illegally held territory "is a little too complicated," says Richard Moose former assistant secretary of state for Africa.
    14. The market opened lower following Wall Street's sharp decline Monday, rallied around midday as several key stocks attracted investor interest, and then slid back into negative territory as Wall Street opened weaker.
    15. To avoid distracting from the 1992 program, the community has agreed on a three-phase plan to draw the former territory of East Germany and its 16 million citizens into the trading bloc.
    16. No one knows how it will end in Kosovo, the former Yugoslav territory ruled by Serbia.
    17. The Palestinian territory referred to in the declaration presumably meant the West Bank and Gaza, captured by Israel in 1967 Middle East war.
    18. The agreement provides for a referendum on independence in 1998. During the intervening 10 years the territory would be divided into three provinces with more autonomy.
    19. The race will start on Sept. 11 when a boy and a girl from each participating country or territory runs through the streets of New York to the steps of the United Nations to give the signal for the worldwide series of raod races to begin.
    20. Led by Industry Minister Ariel Sharon, among others, they view U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III's idea as an attempt to lure Israel into talks with the PLO and trade territory for peace.
    21. The Dow average dipped into negative territory at midday as traders moved to cash in on an early technical rally that pushed the key index up about 20 points in the first few hours of activity.
    22. The legion was originally based there with the purpose of keeping an eye on King Hassan II of Morocco, who in the mid-1970s successfully and peacefully invaded Spanish Sahara and recovered the territory.
    23. 'We think we must liberate all the territory of Abkhazia from the invaders.
    24. Since April, Britain and several other European countries have impounded Iraq-bound parts of what they characterized as a "super gun" capable of firing nuclear or chemical warheads hundreds of miles to Iranian or Israeli territory.
    25. They have a natural instinct to run dogs and coyotes out of their territory." In simpler times, a politician, a president, could tailor his message to fit his audience, and chances were the adjustments would go unnoticed.
    26. A total of 136 blocks, covering 421,000 square kilometres of unexplored territory, were thrown open to bids due in November 1990.
    27. But those changes are now happening. Israeli troops have withdrawn from a small part of occupied territory, and Israel is handing over important civil powers to a Palestinian authority.
    28. Brazil, however, is unfamiliar territory to the spy novelist.
    29. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia have announced troop cuts of their own and asked the Kremlin to withdraw all its forces from their territory.
    30. That is why she sleeps with bankers and knows the secret wishes of the Bundesbank. Some of the basic techniques of story-telling still have to be learned, but here at least is a piece that enters new territory.
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