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 terrorism ['tɛrɚ`rɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恐怖主义, 恐怖统治, 恐怖状态

[法] 胁迫, 暴政, 恐怖政治

    [ noun ]
    the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

    Terrorism \Ter"ror*ism\, n. [Cf. F. terrorisme.]
    1. The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a
    mode of government by terror or intimidation. --Jefferson.

    2. The practise of coercing governments to accede to
    political demands by committing violence on civilian
    targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.

    1. The premier said that only he can prevent a return to the turbulence of the 1970s, when terrorism and an economic crisis paved the way for a 1980 military takeover.
    2. U.S. officials opened talks with the PLO in December after Arafat renounced terrorism and said he accepted Israel.
    3. Thornburgh will then travel to Italy for discussions on Wednesday with Italian law enforcement officials about narcotics, organized crime and terrorism.
    4. The probe was closed in June 1985 after the Justice Department concluded the group was involved in political activities protected by the First Amendment and not involved in terrorism.
    5. I want to crack down on terrorism; he knuckled under to the Ayatollah.
    6. The measures date back to 1986, when then-President Reagan accused Col. Moammar Gadhafi's regime of sponsoring terrorism.
    7. Regan and Casey, then contacted Mr. Nir, who had provided help to Vice President Bush's task force on terrorism.
    8. The defendants had pleaded innocent to charges of treason, terrorism, murder and subversion related to the central allegation that the front and its affiliates incited violence in 1984 to make South Africa ungovernable.
    9. The United States has refused to deal directly with the PLO until it recognized Israel and renounced terrorism.
    10. They also consented to apply the death penalty to more than 50 federal crimes, including terrorism, hijacking and political assassinations.
    11. The second time, it suspected CISPES was engaging in terrorism and had "cells" of members planning to commit violence and sabotage.
    12. Gorbachev is expected to use his speech to spell out the kind of cooperation the Soviets are looking for in human rights, environmental protection, culture and the battle against terrorism.
    13. Another measure limits banking secrecy and empower courts to seize funds believed to be earned from racketeering related to terrorism.
    14. While the Saudis cited terrorism and threats for breaking relations with Tehran on April 27, they mainly were seeking to head off Iranian-inspired violence in the holy city of Mecca in this year's annual haj, or pilgrimage.
    15. It was the first major act of terrorism in postwar Italy and ushered in 15 years of violence by leftist and right-wing terrorists.
    16. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Bush and Assad held "an extended conversation on the question of terrorism."
    17. But proponents of a Whitehead trip say Iraq's support for terrorism is relatively minor, and that better relations with Washington have moderated Iraq's behavior considerably.
    18. Pelletreau opened a dialogue with the PLO leadership after the United States dropped its opposition to dealing with the PLO when the organization renounced terrorism and recognized the state of Israel in a statement last November.
    19. It fails to require verifiable democracy in a country that is disrupting the region through support for terrorism and the flight of its own oppressed people.
    20. Mahmoud Atta, wanted in Israel on terrorism charges, has been turned over to Israeli authorities, the State Department said Wednesday night.
    21. He said a possible cause was Arafat's recognition of Israel and renunciation of terrorism.
    22. These include complying with a cease-fire agreement, showing a willingness to negotiate in good faith and refraining from acts of terrorism or military actions that threaten the government.
    23. India and Pakistan agreed Monday to take steps to contain Sikh terrorism, arms smuggling and drug trafficking along their lengthy border, according to an Indian official.
    24. A coming State Department report on terrorism will assert that in the past year the Sudan has "enhanced" its cooperation with terrorist organizations, including the notorious Abu Nidal organization based in nearby Libya.
    25. In December, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat said his group renounced terrorism and recognized Israel's right to exist.
    26. Concerned that terrorism may have penetrated America's borders, the FBI began a massive investigation involving scores of investigators, said Tom Hughes, special agent in charge of the local FBI office.
    27. The detentions began in the 1970s, when the state struggled to subdue growing political terrorism from both the far left and right.
    28. The current crisis seems to be leading the president and other top administration officials to distance themselves from the enervating, frustrating day-to-day concerns about terrorism.
    29. The State Department in March reported to Congress that the PLO was adhering to its commitment renouncing terrorism.
    30. Perhaps they don't know themselves.' Nevertheless, Mr Khan and other Pakistani officials are hoping that they have done enough to convince the US of their anti-terrorist credentials. Today the US is due to publish its annual report on terrorism.
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