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 sob [sɒb]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 啜泣, 呜咽

vt. 哭诉, 哭得使

n. 啜泣, 呜咽

    sobbed, sobbing
    [ noun ]
    1. a dyspneic condition

    2. <noun.state>
    3. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous

    4. <noun.person>
    5. convulsive gasp made while weeping

    6. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. weep convulsively

    2. <verb.body>
      He was sobbing inconsolably

    Sob \Sob\, n.
    1. The act of sobbing; a convulsive sigh, or inspiration of
    the breath, as in sorrow.

    Break, heart, or choke with sobs my hated breath.

    2. Any sorrowful cry or sound.

    The tremulous sob of the complaining owl.

    Sob \Sob\ (s[o^]b), v. t. [See {Sop}.]
    To soak. [Obs.] --Mortimer.

    Sob \Sob\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sobbed} (s[o^]bd); p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Sobbing}.] [OE. sobben; akin to AS. se['o]fian,
    si['o]fian, to complain, bewail, se['o]fung, si['o]fung,
    sobbing, lamentation; cf. OHG. s[=u]ft[=o]n, s[=u]ftj[=o]n,
    to sigh, MHG. siuften, siufzen, G. seufzen, MHG. s[=u]ft a
    sigh, properly, a drawing in of breath, from s[=u]fen to
    drink, OHG. s[=u]fan. Cf. {Sup}.]
    To sigh with a sudden heaving of the breast, or with a kind
    of convulsive motion; to sigh with tears, and with a
    convulsive drawing in of the breath.

    Sobbing is the same thing [as sighing], stronger.

    She sighed, she sobbed, and, furious with despair.
    She rent her garments, and she tore her hair. --Dryden.

    1. They meet in groups to grieve, they call each other at 3 a.m. to sob, they savor a unique joy with the coming of new mornings, the sight of sunsets.
    2. "First you sob all the time.
    3. "There were the sob stories and the hard luck stories," said Simon Coombe, a banking analyst at the London investment firm UBS Phillips and Drew.
    4. JOHN, early feminist and avowed "sob sister" who broke into the men's world of newspapering and covered some of the biggest stories of the first half of the 20th century.
    5. Lads were spread out along the sand as far as you could see." Tyler's narrative stops as his eyes fill with tears and he chokes back a sob.
    6. I could watch it again and again, and sob every time.' How well would you adapt? 'Quite well, I think.
    7. Mrs. Marcos faltered and began to sob at the defense table and was comforted by a niece.
    8. She appeared to sob as jurors were polled, and then turned to calm her two daughters.
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