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 soberly   添加此单词到默认生词本
严肃地, 冷静地

    [ adv ]
    in a grave and sober manner
    he walked soberly toward the altar

    Soberly \So"ber*ly\, adv.
    In a sober manner; temperately; cooly; calmly; gravely;

    Soberly \So"ber*ly\, a.
    Grave; serious; solemn; sad. [Obs.]

    [He] looked hollow and thereto soberly. --Chaucer.

    1. More soberly, the exhibition shows the life-long centrality of cubism to the work.
    2. No wonder they are finding it difficult to find a company willing to manage such an establishment which otherwise is soberly decorated and built to high standards. Dakhla has also to do a lot to ensure running water in most homes.
    3. We must be calm and soberly keep in mind what is happening and what could happen if we make one more misstep," he said, without elaborating.
    4. "We soberly see that some unstable factors still exist, and must heighten our vigilance and prepare for possible disturbances," said Wang Enmao, chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's advisory committee.
    5. He is dressed soberly by Versace rather than outrageously by Walt Disney and the frissons of the past which made his performance poignant, like watching a man on the edge of a precipice, are missing.
    6. Americans are exhorted to spend April 2-4 soberly, as it's Alcohol-Free Weekend.
    7. It was an attempt through a series of paradoxes to justify Genet's criminal way of life as an example of supreme courage. In 1954 Sartre published a major article on Giacometti in which he praised Giacometti's art more soberly than he had Genet's.
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