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 sobriety [sә'braiiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 节制饮酒, 戒酒, 节制, 一本正经, 庄重

    [ noun ]
    1. the state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol

    2. <noun.state>
    3. moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs

    4. <noun.attribute>
    5. a manner that is serious and solemn

    6. <noun.attribute>
    7. abstaining from excess

    8. <noun.act>

    Sobriety \So*bri"e*ty\, n. [L. sobrietas: cf. F. sobri['e]t['e].
    See {Sober}.]
    1. Habitual soberness or temperance as to the use of
    spirituous liquors; as, a man of sobriety.

    Public sobriety is a relative duty. --Blackstone.

    2. Habitual freedom from enthusiasm, inordinate passion, or
    overheated imagination; calmness; coolness; gravity;
    seriousness; as, the sobriety of riper years.

    Mirth makes them not mad,
    Nor sobriety sad. --Denham.

    Syn: Soberness; temperance; abstinence; abstemiousness;
    moderation; regularity; steadness; calmness; coolness;
    sober-mindeness; sedateness; staidness; gravity;
    seriousness; solemnity.

    1. Unlike big financial companies of Western nations, which spend millions of dollars on advertisements calculated to project images of prudence and sobriety, Japan's banks, securities brokers and insurance companies like to keep things light.
    2. Spotts pursued Muniz, ordered him to stop and told him to perform some sobriety tests, which he failed.
    3. Ms. Bradley, 44, refused a sobriety test until after her arrest and until she had spoken to Bradley, police said.
    4. Hazelwood failed the blood test for sobriety, performed about 10 hours after the accident that occurred early the morning of Good Friday.
    5. At one such checkpoint, Michigan state police troopers checked 126 vehicles in less than an hour and detained two drivers for sobriety field tests.
    6. Just as an actor playing a drunk must do everything possible to strive for sobriety, so good farce should tether itself to seriousness.
    7. Its captain, Joseph Hazelwood, failed sobriety tests administered more than 10 hours after the accident.
    8. The 20 states without plans for sobriety checks said they would step up patrols to catch drunken drivers during the weekend, said Roger Conner, alliance president.
    9. Prosecutors said they did not take Roth to court on the earlier DWI charge because Roth had refused to take any breath or field sobriety tests, leaving prosecutors with insufficient evidence.
    10. One child wrote she would ask her dad to clean it up; another said he would let tanker captains drink only water _ a reference to the sobriety test that Captain Joseph Hazelwood failed after his vessel rammed a reef, causing the spill.
    11. The arresting officer smelled alcohol on her breath, police said, but they refused to release the results of the sobriety test she finally took.
    12. In September, she said, she took a break from her initial hospital stay for drug and alcohol use to audition for a play in New York, and broke her 88-day string of sobriety when she snorted cocaine in a nightclub restroom.
    13. This year, however, the room was a haven of sombre sobriety.
    14. Other British couturiers are rumoured to be under pressure as their customers bow to a new mood of sobriety. 'People,' says Ewa Lewis - meaning right-thinking, sensitive, sensible, affluent-to-rich people - 'do not want to be seen to be spending.
    15. Refused to bar police from conducting roadside sobriety tests by setting up checkpoints at unannounced locations.
    16. The decision, along with a Supreme Court ruling in a Michigan case last week that sobriety checkpoints do not violate motorists' rights, have strengthened police powers to curb drunken driving at what some civil liberatarians say is too high a price.
    17. Weyrich said he never saw the letters, but "I have encountered the senator in a condition lacking sobriety as well as with women he was not married to.".
    18. If it does, any criticism is likely to be muted, with many regarding a cut as evidence of financial sobriety. News of current trading will focus on whether recovery is taking root in London and any signs of life in the provinces.
    19. Conversely, the weight bearing on the other scale _ the measure of the intrusion on motorists stopped briefly at sobriety checkpoints _ is slight.
    20. And airport security often involves more waiting than sobriety checkpoints along the road.
    21. Luckily, there were people who still cared." Now preaching sobriety in his private life, Vaughan still worships the blues on record.
    22. "Over many years, I have encountered the nominee in a condition lacking sobriety as well as with women to whom he was not married; I recognize senators' wives because I worked here in the Senate for many years," Weyrich said.
    23. Reserve officers then observed their behavior, gave sobriety tests and used the Breathalizer machine to measure blood alcohol content.
    24. "While the goals of the sobriety checkpoint program are laudable, the program fails to qualify as a reasonable seizure under the Fourth Amendment," the three-judge appeals panel wrote in a unanimous opinion.
    25. Refused in a California case to bar police from conducting roadside sobriety tests by setting up checkpoints at unannounced locations.
    26. NO-ALCOHOL BEER taps a small but growing market segment. Quaffed by consumers monitoring their sobriety and their calories, non-alcoholic ale sales inch ahead to 1% of the $17 billion beer market in 1990, says Jerry Steinman of Beer Marketer's Insights.
    27. The motorist failed a sobriety test and was arrested for investigation of drunken driving, Taylor said.
    28. But while sobriety isn't the rule of the day in the beer hall, disturbances are rare.
    29. "It's as crippling as crack, as random as gang violence, and it's killing more kids than both combined," the president said last year as he noted that federal aid was being given to promote the use of sobriety checkpoints.
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