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 social ['sәuʃәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 社会的, 群居的, 社交的

n. 联欢会

[经] 社会的

    [ noun ]
    1. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

    2. <noun.group>
    [ adj ]
    1. relating to human society and its members

    2. <adj.pert>
      social institutions
      societal evolution
      societal forces
      social legislation
    3. living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups

    4. <adj.all>
      a human being is a social animal
      mature social behavior
    5. relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society

    6. <adj.pert>
      made fun of her being so social and high-toned
      a social gossip colum
      the society page
    7. composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability

    8. <adj.all>
      a purely social club
      the church has a large social hall
      a social director
    9. tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind

    10. <adj.all>
      ants are social insects
    11. marked by friendly companionship with others

    12. <adj.all>
      a social cup of coffee

    Social \So"cial\, a. [L. socialis, from socius a companion; akin
    to sequi to follow: cf. F. social. See {Sue} to follow.]
    1. Of or pertaining to society; relating to men living in
    society, or to the public as an aggregate body; as, social
    interest or concerns; social pleasure; social benefits;
    social happiness; social duties. ``Social phenomena.''
    --J. S. Mill.

    2. Ready or disposed to mix in friendly converse;
    companionable; sociable; as, a social person.

    3. Consisting in union or mutual intercourse.

    Best with thyself accompanied, seek'st not
    Social communication. --Milton.

    4. (Bot.) Naturally growing in groups or masses; -- said of
    many individual plants of the same species.

    5. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) Living in communities consisting of males, females,
    and neuters, as do ants and most bees.
    (b) Forming compound groups or colonies by budding from
    basal processes or stolons; as, the social ascidians.

    {Social science}, the science of all that relates to the
    social condition, the relations and institutions which are
    involved in man's existence and his well-being as a member
    of an organized community; sociology. It concerns itself
    with questions of the public health, education, labor,
    punishment of crime, reformation of criminals, and the

    {Social whale} (Zo["o]l.), the blackfish.

    {The social evil}, prostitution.

    Syn: Sociable; companionable; conversible; friendly;
    familiar; communicative; convival; festive.

    1. The first is that the treaty signed in Maastricht did not envisage that Britain would participate in the social chapter.
    2. The accompanying social changes are slowly forcing changes in the way business is conducted and in the way the bureaucracy works.
    3. Other key issues, he says, will include details of how the single market will work, environmental, consumer and social issues and the EEC's relationship with the rest of the world.
    4. Mr. Kennan's advocacy of containment was inappropriate 40 years ago, though its application today can be rewarding in denying the Soviets the ability to intimidate the West and obtain support for a crumbling social and economic system.
    5. Worst hit, said shadow social security secretary Michael Meacher, were those not eligible for the full Pounds 140 poll tax deduction because they already received rebates.
    6. For the many Beijing residents who scorn the government but are uneasy about social unrest, it's a matter of enduring the propaganda and the police.
    7. In this week's Spectator magazine, John Patten, the education secretary, complains that science has weakened faith and thus contributed to social malaise.
    8. Saunas have flourished longer than another immigrant legacy: social radicalism.
    9. A government social worker arrives to offer a lesson on home finance and the rules of a free housing market.
    10. Many of them return to visit relatives, to donate money for social services or to invest in local enterprises.
    11. Shouting over the rumble of a dual carriageway, he talks almost exclusively about social issues, and the rising tide of petty crime which he links to the 9.9 per cent jobless rate. 'Everywhere you go, the most pressing problem is unemployment.
    12. "American troops will be entering a quagmire more complex than Vietnam," said Kevin Zeese, vice president of the Drug Policy Foundation, a Washington think tank that emphasizes the economic and social issues behind the drug problem.
    13. But some have spent so much time in hospitals, in broken homes or at arm's length from a terrified society that social skills like speaking have not been properly developed.
    14. The coming change in the labor force will follow a decade, the 1980s, of significant social transformation in the United States, lifestyle changes likely to continue through the coming 10 years.
    15. "Losing," in a democratic sense, is an alien concept in Communist social thinking.
    16. That is up from $11.7 billion in 1989, but it includes social security payments and airport funds.
    17. Narrated by Meryl Streep and directed by Phil Joanou, the film is a series of informal interviews with seven-year-olds from widely varying social, economic and ethnic backgrounds.
    18. Mr Blair has already made the elision between acceptance of a dynamic market economy and a role for government in creating the conditions for economic success and social stability.
    19. Others go blissfully on, voting large raises for themselves and constituents, handing out dollars for pet projects where their greatest poitical support is, and not enacting any really meaningful reform for both social and economic issues.
    20. East Germany and West Germany plan to merge their economies and social institutions by July 2, when the West German mark will become the currency of East Germany.
    21. European Unions ministers responsible for the single market meet in Brussels. Informal meeting of the European Union social affairs ministers in Greece. Results from Smith & Nephew and TI Group. FRIDAY: Usable steel production (February).
    22. In his letter, Sokol said fascism and communism had in common "destruction of all democratic rights" and "the method of terror and social demagoguery."
    23. The department is now part of the university's school of social work.
    24. Carolyn Lipson-Walker, whose doctoral dissertation is titled "Shalom Y'all: The Folklore and Culture of Southern Jews," said Southern Jews have fused their social and religious practices to produce a dual culture.
    25. Her organization has been critical of the INS and immigration laws, saying they don't address the social problems that make people desperate enough to try illegal entry into the United States.
    26. One monitored human rights and other social issues; the other was responsible for watching the U.N.'s progress on reform and budget-cutting.
    27. "A very difficult period has passed without major social upheavals," he said.
    28. "The real answer to alcohol abuse and any social costs associated with it is education of the public, and especially the young," said Gary Zizka of the National Beer Wholesalers' Association in a telephone interview Thursday from Washington.
    29. It calls for an agreement for the program of reform and plans for activities and the way of social control.
    30. 'Almost all the European countries now agree that they have to review their social security systems.
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