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 sobbing ['sɑbɪŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 呜咽

    [ noun ]
    convulsive gasp made while weeping

    Sobbing \Sob"bing\, n.
    A series of short, convulsive inspirations, the glottis being
    suddenly closed so that little or no air enters into the

    Sob \Sob\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sobbed} (s[o^]bd); p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Sobbing}.] [OE. sobben; akin to AS. se['o]fian,
    si['o]fian, to complain, bewail, se['o]fung, si['o]fung,
    sobbing, lamentation; cf. OHG. s[=u]ft[=o]n, s[=u]ftj[=o]n,
    to sigh, MHG. siuften, siufzen, G. seufzen, MHG. s[=u]ft a
    sigh, properly, a drawing in of breath, from s[=u]fen to
    drink, OHG. s[=u]fan. Cf. {Sup}.]
    To sigh with a sudden heaving of the breast, or with a kind
    of convulsive motion; to sigh with tears, and with a
    convulsive drawing in of the breath.

    Sobbing is the same thing [as sighing], stronger.

    She sighed, she sobbed, and, furious with despair.
    She rent her garments, and she tore her hair. --Dryden.

    1. I don't want to go up there anymore." The sobbing boy ran to a police car at a nearby gas station, then he and the officers drove around the neighborhood looking for the robber.
    2. Ms. Brooks, sobbing before the bench Monday, admitted they were all lies, although she said she had been a teacher's aide.
    3. "One night I was sitting next to a welldressed man who started sobbing uncontrollably at the end," Ms. Rittenhouse recalls.
    4. Roman Catholic Archbishop Derek Worlock announced that the Salvation Army brass band would play the Liverpool anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone." The minute's silence was broken only by a sobbing child.
    5. Two Scandinavian relief workers came home to the emotional embraces of their sobbing families on Wednesday and recounted their harrowing abduction in Lebanon and 25 days of fear and captivity.
    6. For others of us, we grieve for lost shipmates who died serving their country." Loud sobbing broke out in the Mayport Naval Station Chapel as Alicia Cuebas, a Saratoga ombudsman, read aloud the names of the 21 dead.
    7. Around her, seamstresses stood sobbing; some clawed frantically at the fallen buildings to rescue trapped co-workers.
    8. (sobbing) Male dispatcher: "OK, I want you to come outside." Answerer: "I've got to get my brother." Male dispatcher: "You tell your brother come out the front door.
    9. Business is not as usual." Friends of the dead youths arrived at school Monday morning badly shaken, some sobbing and screaming uncontrollably as they met with counselors assigned to the school to help students through the tragedy.
    10. "He has supporters who think he can do no wrong and who say they are willing to do anything for him," Potter said. "I believe them." Bakker's 19-year-old daughter, Tammy Sue Chapman, was led sobbing from the courtroom.
    11. A sobbing Razak said the land dispute probably triggered the blast.
    12. Racamier battles on until April 26 1990, when he loses the final legal fight to Arnault and his wife, Odile, is led sobbing from the offices of the company her great-grandfather had founded. Kings On The Catwalk is strong on anecdotes.
    13. Mr. Baker, normally one of the Merc's biggest pranksters, was seen by several traders sobbing on the exchange floor Tuesday.
    14. People were just sobbing," said Michael Hoad, who was visiting the park when it happened.
    15. She began sobbing, and two of her Kuwaiti friends, clad in tight blue jeans and baggy sweatshirts, cried with her.
    16. The pilot of a domestic jetliner noted he had set a wrong course, then began sobbing in desperation before his aircraft crashed into the Amazon jungle, a newspaper said Wednesday.
    17. Police picked up one tiny daughter, waited as the mother coaxed a sobbing child out from under the bed, and took them both away to a facility called the "Home Away for Tots."
    18. After squirming on the witness stand and sobbing in her father's arms, the first child witness in Raymond Buckey's retrial repeatedly said she couldn't remember if she was molested at the McMartin preschool.
    19. Roldolfo Regaldo, 31, had taken to the balcony of an apartment house at about 3:30 p.m. after an argument with his wife, and threatened to jump with the sobbing child, police said.
    20. Several months ago, outreach worker Brian Bob found a 16-year-old Troll sobbing hysterically in the Hole.
    21. His mother left the courtroom sobbing after watching her son, wearing sneakers and blue jeans with a rolled-up comic book in his back pocket, being led away.
    22. A sobbing, disheveled Bakker was later brought to the courthouse, then taken away in handcuffs 90 minutes later to the mental facility.
    23. An 8-year-old boy is killed as he sleeps in his parent's restaurant on the corner and his parents, sobbing with sorrow and anger, hang his bloody blanket outside.
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