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 shabbily ['ʃæbili]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 衣衫褴褛地, 不体面地, 卑鄙地

    [ adv ]
    1. so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated

    2. <adv.all>
      a shabbily dressed man
    3. in a mean and ungenerous manner

    4. <adv.all>
      the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room

    Shabbily \Shab"bi*ly\, adv.
    In a shabby manner.

    1. To get to the Petersen, you must climb 22 shabbily carpeted stairs to the building's second floor, no mean feat when you're lugging a couple of bowling balls.
    2. But Kidder dismisses any notion that Mr. Fletcher was treated shabbily during his brief career there.
    3. For AT&T, which has claimed since last year that the GSA has treated it shabbily, the decision is a big victory.
    4. They insist he isn't being treated shabbily by his government, or being ousted as Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani was by the Saudi Arabian government in 1986 after tangling with his nation's powerful King Fahd.
    5. When night falls over this capital, Afghan soldiers, shabbily dressed, but armed with Russian-made Kalashnikov rifles, stop automobiles at every city block.
    6. In his memo yesterday, Mr. Hagopian said: "We have been treated shabbily through a three-and-one-half year investigation that has produced no formal charge or indictment against us as a company."
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