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 shackle joint 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Shackle \Shac"kle\, n. [Generally used in the plural.] [OE.
    schakkyll, schakle, AS. scacul, sceacul, a shackle, fr.
    scacan to shake; cf. D. schakel a link of a chain, a mesh,
    Icel. sk["o]kull the pole of a cart. See {Shake}.]
    1. Something which confines the legs or arms so as to prevent
    their free motion; specifically, a ring or band inclosing
    the ankle or wrist, and fastened to a similar shackle on
    the other leg or arm, or to something else, by a chain or
    a strap; a gyve; a fetter.

    His shackles empty left; himself escaped clean.

    2. Hence, that which checks or prevents free action.

    His very will seems to be in bonds and shackles.

    3. A fetterlike band worn as an ornament.

    Most of the men and women . . . had all earrings
    made of gold, and gold shackles about their legs and
    arms. --Dampier.

    4. A link or loop, as in a chain, fitted with a movable bolt,
    so that the parts can be separated, or the loop removed; a

    5. A link for connecting railroad cars; -- called also
    {drawlink}, {draglink}, etc.

    6. The hinged and curved bar of a padlock, by which it is
    hung to the staple. --Knight.

    {Shackle joint} (Anat.), a joint formed by a bony ring
    passing through a hole in a bone, as at the bases of
    spines in some fishes.

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