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 shacks   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. These streets, lined with dilapidated shacks, are teeming with tension.
    2. Families live in the downtown now, pigs and chickens wandering in crude courtyards beside their shacks.
    3. Dirt-poor Middle Easterners, living in rodent-infested shacks, had their noses rubbed once too often in the luxury and Western pretensions of their leaders.
    4. She said preservation of the dune shacks in those plans "is under full consideration." "For the next few years, we don't see anything happening at all," Shean-Hammond said.
    5. Veteran Haitian workers, called "viejos," are crammed with their families into one-room shacks or huts.
    6. Water, mud and boulders washed many such shacks down the steep slopes and turned streets below into raging torrents and even lagoons.
    7. Preservationists want the federal government to declare the shacks historic treasures and allow a private organization to mantain them for public use.
    8. On a side street off Avenue D, the group stepped into a rubble-strewn lot where three shacks stood patched together from tar paper and wood scraps.
    9. It, like hundreds of other shacks spread over the seized 30 acres, is built on reclaimed land that until two years ago was a garbage dump.
    10. Police in armored vehicles roamed the township but rarely ventured into the narrow lanes of shacks making up Phola Park.
    11. But after two winters of dual embargo from both the United Nations and the Iraqi regime, they continue to face severe economic problems. Yellow and white narcissi, the symbol of spring, adorn tents, shacks and houses.
    12. Civil defense spokewoman Sonia Hadid said Monday that many poor people, who perch homes on the steep hillsides that jut up through this city of 5.6 million, were refusing to obey orders to abandon their shacks.
    13. Also Tuesday, in southern Cape province, municipal workers bulldozed more than 60 squatter shacks, leaving more than 130 black people homeless in Kraaifontein.
    14. One of the government's announced reforms would allow the people of this slum _ and those in millions of shacks and slums throughout the country _ to buy a building lot.
    15. It is stuck with little red pins identifying the shacks that house severely malnourished infants.
    16. In the maquiladoras (border factories), they live in shacks. There is no community, no schools, no social life.'
    17. Seventeen rustic shacks on the outer dunes of Cape Cod could still be ripped down even though the huts, which provided soul-searching solitude to Eugene O'Neill, Jack Kerouac and scores of other creative minds, have won national historic designation.
    18. Protestant sects have translated the Bible into native languages, finding fertile ground in the hopeless poverty of landless peasants and those who have moved to neighborhoods of shacks in the cities.
    19. The pristine campus appears out of place in dusty, run-down Ga-Rankuwa, a sprawling collection of dirt roads and squatter shacks.
    20. The tarmac road soon peters out at the foot of a chair lift (skiing is a growing industry) and becomes a rough track winding past the tin shacks of local crab fishermen and newly-built holiday chalets.
    21. Nearly half of the half-million blacks around Port Elizabeth live in shacks.
    22. Hundreds of thousands live in wood shacks with corrugated zinc roofs.
    23. He approaches sainthool in a neighborhood of Medellin, the cartel's headquarters, where he replaced slum shacks with houses of brick and cinder block.
    24. Eduardo used to be a fisherman, like everyone else in this tiny village of 16 shacks on stilts 3 feet above Lake Maracaibo.
    25. "In Latin America it's frequently shacks.
    26. A company said Thursday it plans to build the first high-rise apartment complex in Soweto, the vast black township where tens of thousands of people live in shacks because of a housing shortage.
    27. At least 50 shacks were burned.
    28. In Santo Domingo, with 2 million inhabitants, an estimated 500,000 people are living in unsanitary, crowded shacks as they wait for new housing projects because the government bulldozed their homes to make way for a beltway.
    29. "They tried to grab him," Theo said, putting his hand around the younger man's neck. "He escaped." Behind him, people carried blankets, mattresses and chairs from the Zulu hostel across the windswept brown clearing to their shacks.
    30. Rumors had been floating since September that authorities would clear away the nearly 30 plastic and cardboard shacks erected in front of the giant Rossiya Hotel.
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