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 shackling 添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 用镣铐锁住;阻挠(shackle的ing形式)

  1.      Policy makers argue that shackling some of the very biggest banks with new rules will keep the behemoths from getting into trouble.
  2. Cole's pace had been important in shackling the in-form Cristiano Ronaldo. Less successful was the Blues attempt to keep Louis Saha at bay.
  3. 3 Bo Le tamed the horses by trimming their mane, paring their hooves thin, branding their bodies, tying rein to their heads, shackling their feet.

Shackle \Shac"kle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shackled}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Shackling}.]
1. To tie or confine the limbs of, so as to prevent free
motion; to bind with shackles; to fetter; to chain.

To lead him shackled, and exposed to scorn
Of gathering crowds, the Britons' boasted chief.
--J. Philips.

2. Figuratively: To bind or confine so as to prevent or
embarrass action; to impede; to cumber.

Shackled by her devotion to the king, she seldom
could pursue that object. --Walpole.

3. To join by a link or chain, as railroad cars. [U. S.]

{Shackle bar}, the coupling between a locomotive and its
tender. [U.S.]

{Shackle bolt}, a shackle. --Sir W. Scott.

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