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 salvageable   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    capable of being saved from ruin
    their marriage was not salvageable

    1. Company spokesman Bill Flores said the rig appeared to be salvageable.
    2. The environmental services concern said two of the companies perform industrial waste or salvageable materials vacuuming services, and the other two are asbestos abatement contractors.
    3. "We haven't found anything yet that could be called salvageable," said James Rowe, 53, whose home was demolished. "We've got basic coverage.
    4. Such road kills are routinely dumped, but salvageable meat goes to the county jail, he said.
    5. Of the 8,000 companies the Treuhand must deal with, few are salvageable.
    6. Jones gives two reasons: They were unimpressed with the outside material submitted and, after watching some so-called pros at work, they figured some of their own songs might be salvageable.
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