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 salvation [sæl'veiʃә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拯救, 救助, 救世

    [ noun ]
    1. (theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil

    2. <noun.act>
    3. a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness

    4. <noun.act>
      tourism was their economic salvation
      they turned to individualism as their salvation
    5. the state of being saved or preserved from harm

    6. <noun.state>
    7. saving someone or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation

    8. <noun.act>
      the salvation of his party was the president's major concern

    Salvation \Sal*va"tion\, n. [OE. salvacioun, sauvacion, F.
    salvation, fr. L. salvatio, fr. salvare to save. See {Save}.]
    1. The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from
    destruction, danger, or great calamity.

    2. (Theol.) The redemption of man from the bondage of sin and
    liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him of
    everlasting happiness.

    To earn salvation for the sons of men. --Milton.

    Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. --2.
    Cor. vii. 10.

    3. Saving power; that which saves.

    Fear ye not; stand still, and see the salvation of
    the Lord, which he will show to you to-day. --Ex.
    xiv. 13.

    {Salvation Army}, an organization for prosecuting the work of
    Christian evangelization, especially among the degraded
    populations of cities. It is virtually a new sect founded
    in London in 1861 by William Booth. The evangelists, male
    and female, have military titles according to rank, that
    of the chief being ``General.'' They wear a uniform, and
    in their phraseology and mode of work adopt a quasi
    military style.

    1. 'This region is the salvation of our industry,' said a Singapore-based aerospace executive.
    2. "We are not saying it's going to be the salvation of the farmer but it is real promising," he said.
    3. Anyone who believes that saturnine, bearded gentlemen hit on gorgeous blondes in bars in order to lead them to salvation, has eggnog for brains.
    4. Young Michael came to believe what his teachers and his civics books taught him, growing up with a strong sense that salvation lay in education and good works.
    5. "The army is the only force capable of change and of leading Lebanon to salvation," the army's commander, Gen.
    6. Ironically, the regulatory delays that stymied Mr. Reynolds's efforts to sell the broadcasting properties may be his salvation.
    7. "All you can say is that we're trying." So, the once-secretive company is pinning its salvation on communication.
    8. I became a professor." His salvation was the TV show, "Route 66." Morrell identified with George Maharis' streetwise character, and he wrote a fan letter to series writer Sterling Silliphant.
    9. Mr. Mahfouz's Cairo also has Sufi sheiks and saintly wives who look to God, not crime, for their salvation.
    10. We will be well into the next millennium before another pied piper of selfishness can convince America that greed is the path to national salvation.
    11. The Jesuit Father General Arrupe is a central villain for Mr. Martin because (thesis) he turned humanist as seen in his key speech, "Men for Others," where he never mentions God, Christ or salvation.
    12. "There is salvation and significance for the Jew only when he stands straight and aims high within his own authentic frame of values," Eban wrote in his book "Heritage," which was made into a series for American public television.
    13. Yet (fact) one can easily circle some 50 or 60 places where Father Arrupe mentions God, Christ or salvation in the speech.
    14. "The Congress will not deny the country this chance at national salvation," said Rep. Carlos Santanna, leader of the Democratic Movement Party.
    15. Supporters hope for a narrow legal victory that the speaker could parlay into political salvation.
    16. Hard-line officials still try to keep these principles alive, but few Algerians really believe they will bring salvation.
    17. "In this moment, the only priority is the salvation of our fatherland, stopping its fall into impoverishment, incompetence and self-destruction," Vargas Llosa told the crowd.
    18. Five years ago, amid predictions that America was entering a post-industrial age, Michigan decided that its economic salvation lay in manufacturing, not in turning its factory workers into computer programmers and medical technicians.
    19. If he has some fresh ideas they will be welcome, and particularly if he emphasizes the role LDC countries themselves must play in their own salvation.
    20. "The Double Pump won't be overnight salvation," predicts John Horan, editor and publisher of Sporting Goods Intelligence Management News Inc., an industry newsletter.
    21. He saw his family disintegrating and falling from their religion, but he had to do something under church teachings that he was charged with their salvation, Miller said.
    22. But they need to be allies with the Japanese, which would be their salvation.
    23. But most important, it now seems clear that employers and government must give up their fantasy that HMOs have some magic that can provide a painless path to fiscal salvation.
    24. They may well be the salvation of our technology." Japanese trains run on time but not because they've been hacked. Nippon, collectively, makes great robots.
    25. What Tocqueville noticed as the peculiarly American dread of "sinking in the world" accounts for the seemingly irrational spending that prompts so many people to buy the proofs of a salvation they cannot afford.
    26. He aligned himself with the reigning Puritan minister of the community, who preached the virtues of the "Covenant of Works" as the only sure means of salvation.
    27. Many small brokers have relationships with large firms and look to them for salvation.
    28. With the likes of Mr Lopez on the prowl at Volkswagen, pricing demands on suppliers are likely to remain intense. Still, SKF is capable of achieving a large measure of its own financial salvation.
    29. Who knows: in such profitable assaults on audiences whose resistance is lowered by the heat and holiday season might lie, at last, our industry's commercial salvation. In My Cousin Vinny, half an idea for a film is searching earnestly for the other half.
    30. It's the salvation Boyle has been dreaming about but unwilling to work for. Only after the inheritance has turned to dust does his foolishness take on a poignant quality that turns to despair by the end of the play.
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