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 salver ['sælvә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 浅盘, 托盘

    [ noun ]
    a tray (or large plate) for serving food or drinks; usually made of silver

    Salver \Salv"er\, n.
    One who salves, or uses salve as a remedy; hence, a
    quacksalver, or quack. [Obs.]

    Salver \Sal"ver\, n. [Cf. {Salvage}.]
    A salvor. --Skeat.

    Salver \Sal"ver\, n. [Sp. salva pregustation, the tasting of
    viands before they are served, salver, fr. salvar to save, to
    taste, to prove the food or drink of nobles, from L. salvare
    to save. See {Save}.]
    A tray or waiter on which anything is presented.

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