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 salvaging 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. He said he would work with Fred Devine Diving and Salvage, a Portland, Ore., company that worked in salvaging the tanker Exxon Valdez in Alaska.
    2. Administrators of International Leisure Group said they abandoned attempts to sell the British company as a going concern, making prospects for salvaging its Air Europe unit increasingly bleak.
    3. In public the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Tunis this week have expressed deep anxiety over the prospects of salvaging the peace process in the aftermath of the Hebron massacre.
    4. Iacocca, who turns 66 next month, is famous for salvaging Chrysler from near-bankruptcy at the end of the 1970s in what became a now-legendary comeback.
    5. Maintaining a clear complexion, salvaging a bad semester and decorating dormitory rooms are among the topics treated in one of publishing's hottest growth segments: magazines for college students.
    6. The tanker Braer breaks up on the rocks of the Shetland Islands, ending hopes of salvaging any of its cargo of oil Unsung heroes, Page 8 The title of Pierre Marivaux's play is teasingly misleading.
    7. Negotiators on Sunday reached agreement on a pay increase for the orchestra, thus salvaging Monday night's opening of Giuseppe Verdi's "Nabucco," directed by Riccardo Muti.
    8. When it does, it will succeed just as Lenin and Trotsky succeeded in salvaging a greatly reduced and weakened center and reversing the fortunes of the beleaguered Red Armies in an incredibly short time.
    9. It was salvaging what food it could, but had to throw away a lot, he said.
    10. The current fighting began after Aoun blockaded ports run by Syria's militia allies south of Beirut with the aim of salvaging about $100 million annually in lost customs dues.
    11. "We don't even know if the salvage vessel would be capable of salvaging anything, Senstad told The Associated Press. "We are skeptical about the idea that the Soviets are preparing a salvage operation.
    12. President Fujimori's commitment to a realistic market strategy is a good first step toward salvaging Peru's devastated economy.
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