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 prosperity [prɑs'pɛrətɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 繁荣, 茂盛, 成功

[经] 繁荣

    [ noun ]
    1. an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment

    2. <noun.state>
    3. the condition of prospering; having good fortune

    4. <noun.state>

    Prosperity \Pros*per"i*ty\, n. [F. prosp['e]rit['e], L.
    prosperitas. See {Prosperous}.]
    The state of being prosperous; advance or gain in anything
    good or desirable; successful progress in any business or
    enterprise; attainment of the object desired; good fortune;
    success; as, commercial prosperity; national prosperity.

    Now prosperity begins to mellow. --Shak.

    Prosperities can only be enjoyed by them who fear not
    at all to lose them. -- Jer.

    Syn: Prosperousness; thrift; weal; welfare; well being;

    1. One major theme emerging from Mr. Bush's trip to Kiev, an ancient city dotted with golden-domed churches, was the key role of personal liberty in assuring the prosperity of a state.
    2. 'It is our intention to pursue a strategy that will bring recovery, with it growth, with it jobs and with it prosperity,' he said in the house yesterday.
    3. The record shows that culture cannot be an important hindrance to prosperity, for a simple reason: culture changes slowly, but economic performance changes rapidly.
    4. At federal levels, at least half of the island's population would qualify for some kind of welfare, but Mr. Romero Barcelo argues that this would add to consumer demand and promote prosperity.
    5. Dukakis blamed Reagan administration policies he said fueled prosperity in some regions but ingored and exacerbated economic distress in others.
    6. However, numerous Republican members are suspicious of the multilateral banks and will demand reforms. Mr Summers said the IMF and World Bank remained the best tools available for promoting collective prosperity.
    7. Both effects have the same cause: prosperity.
    8. Thailand's newfound prosperity is pushing old infrastructural problems to a critical point.
    9. But the reforms, particularly on the economic side, that brought a new level of prosperity to the Chinese people really was started by him.
    10. The U.S. interest in Mexican prosperity should be obvious. A Mexican employed at home won't sneak by night over the Rio Grande.
    11. Romanians have achieved a fragile democracy a year after the bloody fall of communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, but not the prosperity and calm they hoped it would bring.
    12. Michael Dukakis ran "the worst campaign of this century," says one Democrat, but others blamed the party itself for losing touch with the people while some said nothing could overcome the Republican claim to peace and prosperity.
    13. The senior party members led Taiwan to economic prosperity during the past 40 years but generally have viewed with concern the democratic change introduced by her late stepson, Chiang Ching-kuo, who eased authoritarian one-party rule.
    14. The ratio, the banker said, is akin to the bankruptcy rate in the US and an index of 'prosperity' in a society that had hoarded foreign reserves of Dollars 90.99bn as at the end of August. Post-dated cheques have an important role.
    15. But if there is responsible political management of the dollar, inflation need not be a corollary to prosperity.
    16. British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd warned today that failure to reach agreement could be extremely damaging to long-term global prosperity.
    17. The post-war trend of steady growth interrupted by brief slowdowns and characterised by continuously improving prosperity has apparently come to an end, he says.
    18. "I leave office secure in the knowledge that these policies have worked, and confident that this great nation will continue to lead the way toward freedom and prosperity for all mankind," Reagan said.
    19. The Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange launched trading in cocoa futures yesterday to coincide with the date 8-8-88, which many Chinese and others in Malaysia believe brings great prosperity.
    20. Surely, an expansion that has continued for four years without a recession can lay some claim to prosperity.
    21. West Germans today celebrate 40 years of a statehood that has brought them peace and prosperity, but many feel a nagging guilt over the fate of their brothers in the east.
    22. To this end, My Government has decided on a holding operation, while it waits for prosperity to return.
    23. Export-led growth has brought the population of its southern coastal provinces increasing prosperity and economic freedom, which may over time bring greater political freedoms in its wake.
    24. IT WAS not supposed to be like this. The 1990s dawned amid hopes of a new era of prosperity after the collapse of communism.
    25. "America's security and prosperity depend in large measure on continued progress toward democracy and economic development in the Caribbean basin," Bush said in a written statement.
    26. The partnership is Mr. Branson's long-awaited response to a merger wave sweeping the world recording industry that threatens Virgin's continued prosperity.
    27. "The visit underlies the vital importance both countries attach to the U.S.-Japanese relationship and its contribution to the preservation of peace and prosperity in the Pacific and throughout the world," the White House said.
    28. Worried government officials also reminded Koreans that the United States still has 42,000 troops in the country under a mutual defense treaty and is Seoul's main market and vital to its continued prosperity.
    29. The current prosperity either is or is not the result of nothing more than, in Senator Bentsen's phrase, $200 billion in hot checks.
    30. It has a large community of Western and Japanese bankers and businessmen, who contribute to its prosperity.
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