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 Prospero   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] Prospero程序

    1. Jay Patterson is good as Caliban, who has a real grievance against Prospero but whose personality is so loathsome that he forfeits sympathy.
    2. He is a much younger and more potent Prospero than we usually see; fine.
    3. Ruari Murchison's single set is marvellous, one vast circle of sky at the back and another vast circle of white sand in the centre, the rest being composed of black rock in which we see some of Prospero's books sculpted.
    4. Archbishop Prospero Penados del Barrio told Catholic News Service that other prospective staffers "were afraid they'd be killed" and so bowed out.
    5. Mayor Prospero Oreta of suburban Malabon suffered three gunshot wounds in the mouth, chest and arm, police said.
    6. Langella's Prospero who, in the last scene, forgives his enemies, is neither an overbearing father nor a bookish recluse.
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