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 prosperousness 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The major report released on the 17th CPC national conference calls for more proactive and spontaneous promotion of the great development prosperousness in socialism culture.
  2. It interprets the beauty of architecture and the prosperousness of the city, defines the CBD business landmark, lead the future high level business world with brilliant strategy .

Prosperous \Pros"per*ous\, a. [L. prosperus or prosper,
originally, answering to hope; pro according to + the root of
sperare to hope. See {Despair}.]
1. Tending to prosperity; favoring; favorable; helpful.

A happy passage and a prosperous wind. --Denham.

2. Being prospered; advancing in the pursuit of anything
desirable; making gain, or increase; thriving; successful;
as, a prosperous voyage; a prosperous undertaking; a
prosperous man or nation.

By moderation either state to bear
Prosperous or adverse. --Milton.

Syn: Fortunate; successful; flourishing; thriving; favorable;
auspicious; lucky. See {Fortunate}.
-- {Pros"per*ous*ly}, adv. --
{Pros"per*ous*ness}, n.

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