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 prosperous ['prɑspərəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 成功的, 繁盛的, 幸运的

[经] 繁荣的, 昌盛的

    [ adj ]
    1. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich

    2. <adj.all>
      they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
      easy living
      a prosperous family
      his family is well-situated financially
      well-to-do members of the community
    3. very lively and profitable

    4. <adj.all>
      flourishing businesses
      a palmy time for stockbrokers
      a prosperous new business
      doing a roaring trade
      a thriving tourist center
      did a thriving business in orchids
    5. marked by peace and prosperity

    6. <adj.all>
      a golden era
      the halcyon days of the clipper trade
    7. presaging or likely to bring good luck

    8. <adj.all>
      a favorable time to ask for a raise
      lucky stars
      a prosperous moment to make a decision

    Prosperous \Pros"per*ous\, a. [L. prosperus or prosper,
    originally, answering to hope; pro according to + the root of
    sperare to hope. See {Despair}.]
    1. Tending to prosperity; favoring; favorable; helpful.

    A happy passage and a prosperous wind. --Denham.

    2. Being prospered; advancing in the pursuit of anything
    desirable; making gain, or increase; thriving; successful;
    as, a prosperous voyage; a prosperous undertaking; a
    prosperous man or nation.

    By moderation either state to bear
    Prosperous or adverse. --Milton.

    Syn: Fortunate; successful; flourishing; thriving; favorable;
    auspicious; lucky. See {Fortunate}.
    -- {Pros"per*ous*ly}, adv. --
    {Pros"per*ous*ness}, n.

    1. In prosperous Kuwait, citizens are demanding the restoration of Parliament, which was dissolved in 1986 at the height of the Iran-Iraq war after deputies harshly criticized authorities.
    2. Bush mentioned his wealthy Connecticut background Thursday night, saying, "Yes, my parents were prosperous."
    3. But such reforms are vital if their country is to compete with its increasingly prosperous neighbours.
    4. The 44 "sub-Saharan" countries lie sandwiched between North Africa, which is somewhat better off, and South Africa, which is much more prosperous.
    5. As he moved on to set the tone for the start of his administration, Bush described a nation "in a peaceful and prosperous time."
    6. In Ueckermunde a DM60m (Pounds 21.2m) marine harbour is being developed to attract prosperous Berliners who want to sail in the attractive Oder bay straddling the border.
    7. The killings were reported from separate areas in the prosperous northern farming state.
    8. Downpours from Friday evening through Saturday poured up to 19.6 inches of rain in 12 hours on parts of five hard-hit counties around Ningbo, a prosperous commercial city on the East China Sea.
    9. Leaders of some of the Third World countries attending the Bastille celebration urged the prosperous nations to hold a summit between rich and poor nations.
    10. While Kane earned $29,676 working at the Social Security Administration in Miami, he lived in a $430,000, six-bedroom home in Miami's prosperous Kendall section.
    11. Other Democrats as well as Republicans agree that the U.S. can scale back its commitments to prosperous allies, and some propose even sharper cuts than Mr. Jackson.
    12. President Lee Teng-hui today was elected chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party, a move that strengthens his mandate to lead this prosperous island after four decades of Chiang Kai-shek family rule.
    13. It is prosperous, clean, efficient, and full of attractive towns and beautiful scenery.
    14. As Thais become more and more prosperous, an extra 450 new cars jostle on to the streets each day.
    15. These are to assure a prosperous economy now and the real investment, public and private, on which our prosperity depends.
    16. Local markets everywhere are very prosperous.
    17. Those who have fled tell of near anarchy in their once peaceful and prosperous city-state.
    18. The benefits are obvious for Mexico, which sits adjacent to what is perhaps the largest market in the world: 300 million mostly prosperous Americans and Canadians.
    19. The population of eastern Germany will fall by 20 per cent by 2010 because of migration to the prosperous west and a declining birth rate, researchers at Humboldt University, Berlin, said.
    20. The flood halted dreams for extensive excavation of the harbor, considered one of the best preserved in the ancient Roman world and expected to yield many relics from Leptis' beginnings as a key Phoenician port and later a prosperous Roman city.
    21. American companies increasingly are turning to factories in low-cost India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, and away from prosperous South Korea and Taiwan.
    22. Batala, a predominantly Hindu town, has been a frequent target of Sikh militants who want to establish a separate nation in Punjab, a prosperous northern farming state where they hold a slight majority.
    23. "If they can get a national consensus on how to conduct the next elections, it can pave the way for a peaceful and prosperous future.
    24. Active government lay 'at the very heart of a fair, a prosperous and a free society,' Mr Smith said. But he said government should not run people's lives.
    25. Into Nidia's prosperous bourgeois world enters this creature whose life is lived at bare subsistence level.
    26. The Radical Civic Union candidate for president is Eduardo Angeloz, the governor of prosperous Cordoba province.
    27. The revised office will have wide veto power over budgets and spending of the prosperous city-state's financial assets, estimated to total more than $47 billion.
    28. With its cash almost gone, the Bank announces that 'the general concerns of the Bank were in the most affluent and prosperous situation'.
    29. Bruges is unashamedly bourgeois: prosperous, spic and span and polite.
    30. The Zilkas, then one of two Jewish families in Tikrit, operated a prosperous trading company.
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