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 praiseworthy ['preizwә:ði]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 值得称赞的, 令人钦佩的, 可钦佩的

    [ adj ]
    worthy of high praise
    applaudable efforts to save the environmenta commendable sense of purpose
    laudable motives of improving housing conditions
    a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence

    Praiseworthy \Praise"wor`thy\, a.
    Worthy of praise or applause; commendable; as, praiseworthy
    action; he was praiseworthy. --Arbuthnot.

    1. Channel 4 had the praiseworthy idea of commissioning three new 'operas' for television which, in the event, looked as though they set out deliberately to confirm all the worst expectations of opera-phobes, being pretentious, unmelodious and silly.
    2. Arthur Hartman, the U.S. Ambassador to Moscow from 1981-1987, concurred that glasnost and perestroika were praiseworthy.
    3. What is praiseworthy in Jay Gatsby, and what Nick Carraway grudgingly admires in him, is the idealism of his longings.
    4. Mr. Judis, a senior editor at the leftist magazine In These Times, deserves credit for writing a clear and interesting account the fairness and balance of which are especially praiseworthy.
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