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 praline ['prɑ:li:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 干果糖

    [ noun ]
    cookie-sized candy made of brown sugar and butter and pecans

    Praline \Pra"line\ (pr[aum]"l[=e]n), n. [F.]
    A confection made of nut kernels, usually of almonds, roasted
    in boiling sugar until brown and crisp.

    Bonbons, pralines, . . . saccharine, crystalline
    substances of all kinds and colors. --Du Maurier.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Cavazos said Caballero also perfected a praline recipe that kept the candy from turning too sugary and developed recipes for chili, meat taco filling and rice sauces that are standards of the Tex-Mex food business.
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