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 pram [præm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 婴儿车, 平底船, (送牛奶用的)手推车

    [ noun ]
    a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

    Pram \Pram\ (pr[a^]m), Prame \Prame\ (pr[=a]m), n. (Naut.)
    See {Praam}.

    Pram \Pram\ (pr[a^]m), n.
    a {perambulator[3]}; -- British informal shortened form.

    Perambulator \Per*am"bu*la`tor\, n.
    1. One who perambulates.

    2. A surveyor's instrument for measuring distances. It
    consists of a wheel arranged to roll along over the
    ground, with an apparatus of clockwork, and a dial plate
    upon which the distance traveled is shown by an index. See

    3. A low carriage for a child, propelled by pushing; a baby
    carriage; -- called also {pram}, in Britain.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Praam \Praam\, n. [D. praam; cf. G. prahm, F. prame; all of
    Slavonic origin, from a word akin to E. fare. See {Fare}.]
    A flat-bottomed boat or lighter, -- used in Holland and the
    Baltic, and sometimes armed in case of war. [Written also
    {pram}, and {prame}.]

    1. The couple were arrested. Almost Pounds 1,500 of goods was found in the pram while a further Pounds 2,000 of clothes had been carefully stashed on racks in the couple's van outside.
    2. 'I was in the pram watching mum and dad shoot,' she said this week after her selection for the British women's team for Barcelona. Her father Tom (once good enough for the national squad) and mother Sue had started shooting before her birth.
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