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 intent [in'tent]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 意图, 含义, 故意

a. 专心的, 决心的, 热心的

[法] 意图, 故意, 目的

    [ noun ]
    1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

    2. <noun.cognition>
      his intent was to provide a new translation
      good intentions are not enough
      it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs
      he made no secret of his designs
    3. the intended meaning of a communication

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. giving or marked by complete attention to

    2. <adj.all>
      that engrossed look or rapt delight
      then wrapped in dreams
      so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred
      rapt with wonder
      wrapped in thought

    Intent \In*tent"\, n. [OE. entent, entente, attention, purpose,
    OF. entente, F. entente understanding, meaning; a participial
    noun, fr. F. & OF. entendre. See {Intend}.]
    The act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a
    design; a purpose; intention; meaning; drift; aim.

    Be thy intents wicked or charitable. --Shak.

    The principal intent of Scripture is to deliver the
    laws of duties supernatural. --Hooker.

    {To all intents and purposes}, in all applications or senses;
    practically; really; virtually; in essence; essentially.
    ``He was miserable to all intents and purpose.''

    Syn: Design; purpose; intention; meaning; purport; view;
    drift; object; end; aim; plan.

    Intent \In*tent"\, a. [L. intentus, p. p. of intendere. See
    {Intend}, and cf. {Intense}.]
    1. Closely directed; strictly attentive; bent; -- said of the
    mind, thoughts, etc.; as, a mind intent on

    2. Having the mind closely directed to or bent on an object;
    sedulous; eager in pursuit of an object; -- formerly with
    to, but now with on; as, intent on business or pleasure.
    ``Intent on mischief.'' --Milton.

    Be intent and solicitous to take up the meaning of
    the speaker. --I. Watts.

    1. Yesterday, MCorp said it had received "an additional proposal" from "a purchaser unrelated to the parties involved in the letter of intent."
    2. The three are charged with illegally entering Liberia in July with the intent of staging a coup and killing Doe.
    3. "At the time the competing offer for $415 million was received, we had already signed a letter of intent with Hearst for $400 million," J.H. Creekmore, president of the endowment, said in a statement.
    4. The insurance and financial services holding company signed a letter of intent to sell a controlling interest to an investor group for $4 a share.
    5. "The intent was to reasure," Mr. Griggs says.
    6. Caplan said there was a "two-year window" between enactment of one law regarding sanity determination and a state Supreme Court ruling that the law had incorrectly stated legislative intent.
    7. Peru, apparently abandoning plans to extract significant concessions from the International Monetary Fund, is expected to sign today in Washington an IMF letter of intent to frame economic policy until 1995, Sally Bowen writes from Lima.
    8. President Francois Mitterrand, apparently trying to bring the conference back to its original intent, told reporters Thursday night that "at the moment, there is no ban" on producing chemical weapons.
    9. They stated that between November 1986 and December 1988 he was knowingly party to the carrying on of the businesses of Blade Securities and Blade Investments, both of Brompton Road, London, with intent to defraud creditors.
    10. The Quayle proposal would limit these damages to cases of bad intent, and punitives couldn't exceed twice the amount of actual harm.
    11. That a new breed of innovative retailers has entered the marketplace, intent on attracting customers to quality goods at lower prices, is precisely the secret of American competitive success.
    12. Pending indictment, all four men face a federal complaint of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
    13. Wildmon says the intent seemed to be to "show that cocaine helps one overcome feeling `down'." Calling abortion the "No.
    14. Southland Corp. said it signed a letter of intent to sell 21 of its 7-Eleven stores in Missouri to FFP Partners L.P., a Fort Worth, Texas-based company formed last year to purchase convenience stores.
    15. Unruh, who took over in 1990 from Michael Blumenthal, is intent on re-establishing Unisys as a force in global data processing through a fundamental reorientation of its strategy and management style. For a start, the new Unisys will be smaller.
    16. China's sky will not collapse,' she said. In Los Angeles last week, US companies signed 11 contracts for Chinese projects worth Dollars 1.3bn (Pounds 870m) and another 134 letters of intent worth billions more.
    17. The Colorado brewer, however, is intent on making a virtue of necessity.
    18. In its second rescue of a troubled Texas retailer, an Australian property and retail company has signed a letter of intent to buy the Frost Bros. chain for an undisclosed sum.
    19. He said in his opening statement that the case was not about taxes, but was "a case about authorization, intent and doubt."
    20. It is Refco's intent to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
    21. Brush Wellman Inc. said it signed a letter of intent to acquire Metals Engineering Co. of Leesport, Pa., for an undisclosed amount of cash.
    22. Your wishes have to be stated in a way "that your intent will later be judged sufficiently clear by people taking care of you," says Ms. Rouse.
    23. Tom Thieding, Gunderson's press secretary, said the congressmen's intent was to hear all sides and make a decision "that is best for the university." Students say they will keep up the protest, despite Zinser's determination to take her post.
    24. Florida Employers Insurance shares were 4 3/8, or 58% higher, to 11 7/8 after the company said it signed a letter of intent to sell either its stock or its assets to American Employers Group Inc. for about $16 a share.
    25. We doubt a prudent START agreement can be struck any time soon, but Mr. Reagan seems intent on pursuing a treaty he can sign in Moscow.
    26. "We're not intent on being the cheapest" insurer, he said.
    27. He can appeal the seizure by filing a claim of intent to hold onto the property within 10 days.
    28. "That result would be plainly inconsistent with Congress' intent" in 1972, when it amended the longshoremen's law to expand its coverage, the government lawyers said.
    29. Lee has been arrested several times and been convicted of armed robbery and cocaine possession with intent to deliver, police said. He did not have any cocaine on him at the time of the shooting, they said.
    30. After several hours of deliberation, the Robins board Friday afternoon took what the company's general counsel described as the "difficult step" of approving the letter of intent.
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