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 intentional [ɪn'tɛnʃənl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 故意的, 与目的有关的

[法] 故意的, 有意的

    [ adj ]
    1. done or made or performed with purpose and intent

    2. <adj.all>
      style...is more than the deliberate and designed creation
      games designed for all ages
      well-designed houses
    3. characterized by conscious design or purpose

    4. <adj.all>
      intentional damage
      a knowing attempt to defraud
      a willful waste of time

    Intentional \In*ten"tion*al\, a. [Cf. F. intentionnel.]
    Done by intention or design; intended; designed; as, the act
    was intentional, not accidental. Opposite of {unintentional}
    or {unintended}.

    1. It wasn't intentional, we were all busy."
    2. Derwinski said "there was nothing malicious or intentional to what I did," and contended, "I honestly do not believe I ever endangered anyone.
    3. Another provision fought by Republicans would allow women and members of certain religious groups who are victims of intentional discrimination to sue for compensatory and, in some cases, punitive damages.
    4. In British waters all small cetaceans are protected by law and that there is believed to be no intentional killing, the report said.
    5. A child with a history of abuse, however, would be more apt to assume immediately that being hit by the ball was an intentional attack and would respond aggressively.
    6. South Korea accused North Korea of "intentional provocation" and using Panmunjom for propaganda purposes.
    7. AMC's Mr. Sloan said the company's silence is intentional.
    8. The cap, approved 289-134, would limit punitive damages for women who are victims of intentional job discrimination to $150,000 or the amount of compensatory damages, whichever is larger.
    9. One partial solution to this societal problem would require that plaintiff lawyers prove the defendants' alleged intentional and malicious conduct was done with malice.
    10. It was not immediately clear what caused the blast and whether it was intentional.
    11. The justices, without comment, refused to hear arguments that the award wrongly was based on mere negligence and not, as required by New York law, on a finding of reckless or intentional conduct.
    12. This week brought more intense debate over the unlimited damages that could be awarded to victims of intentional discrimination under the bill.
    13. "If that was intentional, it was the biggest mistake they will make," he said in a telephone interview.
    14. Mitchell Gittin, who represented the policyholders, said that the decision broadened the extent of the exclusion from coverage of intentional acts, since there had never been a finding that his clients were responsible for the alleged abuse.
    15. In July, a jury convicted Vento of unlawful imprisonment and menacing, but acquitted him of the most serious charge he faced, intentional murder.
    16. Police arrested about 50 people on charges ranging from aggravated assault and intentional damage to property to fleeing arrest and alcohol violations involving minors.
    17. Under a 1971 Supreme Court case, plaintiffs can prove discrimination even when there is no evidence of intentional discrimination.
    18. A reading of Judge Bork's voluminous cvil rights record leaves the inescapable conclusion that the partisan campaign against him was one of intentional distortion.
    19. Wall, in a recent interview, said he realizes now that Lincoln executives were engaged in an intentional effort to hide their allegedly fraudulent activities.
    20. The agency said this will end fears of accidental infection or intentional misuse.
    21. The incident was one that was not intentional," he said.
    22. The most recent lawsuit, filed Wednesday by the department's civil rights division, charged that River House Cooperative, Inc., of Detroit had engaged in a pattern of intentional racial discrimination against blacks.
    23. A requested indictment for second-degree murder, intentional or through depraved indifference, was possible, Clark said.
    24. ConAgra has appealed, denying any intentional wrongdoing and saying it compensated growers fairly when the weighing mistakes were discovered.
    25. It carries the same maximum sentence as intentional murder, 25 years to life in prison.
    26. Goetsch's son, Chad, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide for fatally shooting 51-year-old Carolyn Goetsch in the heart with the arrow on Nov. 8.
    27. A Soviet official sought out EPA Administrator William Reilly and wanted to know if it was an intentional slight.
    28. The opinion by Judge Anthony M. Kennedy, now a Supreme Court justice, said a decision to pay unequal market wages did not constitute the type of intentional discrimination needed for such a suit.
    29. According to the findings, the official probable cause for the accident was "interference" and "intentional sabotage" by an emotionally distraught passenger.
    30. Albert Goldman, author of the 1981 biography "Elvis," said in a recent article in Life magazine that Presley killed himself with an intentional overdose.
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