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 intentionally [in'tenʃənli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 有意地,故意地

  1. That he intentionally does it is very clear.
  2. An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement.

[ adv ]
with intention; in an intentional manner
he used that word intentionallyI did this by choice

Intentionally \In*ten"tion*al*ly\, adv.
In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of

  1. Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. will plead guilty to federal charges that it intentionally dumped hazardous waste into sewers near its fruit-processing plant in an eastern Massachusetts town, authorities said Tuesday.
  2. Little is known, too, about another synthetic material intentionally put into the lakes: fishing nets that are loosed accidentally, but continue trapping their prey.
  3. We don't believe he did it intentionally, but he did it and he's wrong." The graffiti tribute was praised by 10-year-old John Zambrano, who said Morales used to teach him and his friends how to play handball behind the school.
  4. It may have been intentionally done.
  5. A spokesman for Quayle, who in the interviews discussed his opposition to a bias bill passed in the Senate Wednesday night, said no station was intentionally left out.
  6. Four caged rats with intentionally injured bones are being flown to test how weightlessness can affect healing.
  7. And at this very moment they're trying to make sense of it." As she made her entrance, Miss Tomlin intentionally lost a shoe. She joked about it, recalling the late Ed Sullivan's propensity for calling a really great show a "really great shoe."
  8. Breene contends TRW intentionally defrauded the government and ignored his request that actual accounting figures be used in the contract proposals.
  9. DID KEDS intentionally clone Levi's ads?
  10. Sand intended the construction as a remedy to his 1985 finding that the city intentionally segregated housing and schools for 40 years.
  11. In a ruling released Thursday, U.S. District Judge David Sam said the campers cannot sue the government for injuries because they intentionally threw the weapon in their campfire.
  12. Mr. Brookes raised the possibility that the Commerce Department is understating GNP intentionally in order to further its "own protectionist agenda."
  13. The center said the safety agency should seek criminal penalties if it finds that GM intentionally destroyed the documents.
  14. The commission doesn't take a position on SDI (as it intentionally avoids most current policy disputes), but it argues that some kind of anti-ballistic missile defense is sensible.
  15. "It tells about some of the problems we've had and how we've been able to succeed without intentionally breaking any rules," said Paterno, who co-authored the book with Penn State associate English professor Bernard Asbell.
  16. Consumer groups charge that airlines do this intentionally.
  17. Embassy spokesman David Andriessen said the device that exploded at the house could have been fired last week during coup-associated fighting, not intentionally planted.
  18. Further, Justice Field found it especially troubling for the government in litigation to "intentionally lend the name and power of the government to further private ends."
  19. Kromer, 39, took his 18-foot boat onto Fall Lake on Thursday and intentionally crossed the line where the million-acre wilderness area begins, setting up a legal battle over its use.
  20. Mr Stephane Remus, project manager from the Paris bourse, said the market was intentionally simplified to attract small investors.
  21. A Prague student was detained Sunday for intentionally damaging a Czechoslovak flag near the Letna grounds, Prague's center for the May Day rally, it said.
  22. Robert Brophy, president of Seattle-based Icicle Seafoods Inc., the owner of the vessel, said he doubted his employees intentionally broke the law.
  23. The end of the mission also will be the end for the four rats, which will be killed shortly after touchdown so researchers can determine how their intentionally cut legs healed in space.
  24. Many of these cases appear to stem from incidents where companies and their managers intentionally mislead applicants.
  25. A salesman says he developed suicidal impulses while taking the anti-depression drug Prozac, and he once intentionally smashed his car into a truck.
  26. Langer's lawsuit says that at one point while on the drug, he intentionally drove his car at high speed into the rear of a truck. He suffered broken bones and bruises in the crash.
  27. Barakat said the market was asking "whether they have cut back output intentionally as an overture to others to cut back output or is it result of scheduling problems.
  28. However, the court stopped short of deciding the key issue in the case: whether zoning regulations violate the federal Civil Rights Act of 1968 when the local laws have racially discriminatory effects but there is no proof they are intentionally biased.
  29. The National Institutes of Health found that mosquitoes intentionally infected with AIDS-contaminated blood were later discovered to carry the AIDS virus.
  30. Joseph O'Connell, a spokesman for the United States Information Agency, the parent agency of VOA, said U.S. officials do not believe the UNITA station intentionally fouled VOA broadcasts. "We don't consider it jamming," he said.
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