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 intently [ɪn'tɛntlɪ添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 一心一意地, 心无旁物地, 专心地

    [ adv ]
    with strained or eager attention
    listened intentlystood watching intently

    Intently \In*tent"ly\, adv.
    In an intent manner; as, the eyes intently fixed.

    Syn: Fixedly; steadfastly; earnestly; attentively;
    sedulously; diligently; eagerly.

    1. A man asks a friend why he is reading the front page of Scinteia, the Communist Party newspaper, so intently, when everyone knows that the paper publishes little real news.
    2. Even while urging calm, black leaders including Willie Sims of Dade's official Community Relations Board acknowledge that blacks are intently watching the trial.
    3. Traders this week will be watching intently the government's estimate of first-quarter economic growth, to be released tomorrow morning.
    4. Since the verdict, additional allegations have surfaced that the Air Force may have not inspected the C-5Bs as intently as it said it did.
    5. I would be climbing up and up, and the waves would be creeping higher and higher." Lidia Selkregg speaks quickly, gesturing intently as she recalls the day the earth unleashed titanic forces in Alaska and the land slid, heaved and sank.
    6. As he waited to take the witness stand, Calero did not look at the defendant, who was staring at him intently.
    7. He said the president listened "intently" to the GOP leaders.
    8. Jurors in the 2 Live Crew obscenity trial listened intently today as the defense's first witness - a Duke University professor - told them that vulgar rhymes and angry expressions have long been used in black art and music.
    9. Indeed, with HMV celebrating its 75th anniversary in 1996, a bronze Nipper may soon be listening intently to His Master's Voice in Southgate's office.
    10. It will be taken down brick by brick in a six-week operation because of its proximity to the Leeds-Liverpool canal and surrounding buildings ALAN WATSON takes off his glasses, cocks his head, poses a meticulously framed question and listens intently.
    11. Both optimistic and pessimistic investors, as well as the Federal Reserve, will be intently studying each new economic report to see if the war's end is stimulating any growth, Mr. Briggs said.
    12. America's trading partners are watching intently the trade bill that's currently in the pipeline.
    13. "The press is not trying this case," she said. "The issue is, did this gentleman sell drugs?" Ferraro, a lawyer, sat behind her son and his lawyers taking notes intently.
    14. Investors have been focusing intently on oil price developments.
    15. Since 1972, when Moscow secretly bought the equivalent of one-fourth of that year's U.S. wheat crop, weather in the Soviet Union has been watched almost as intently as it is in Kansas and Iowa.
    16. "I used to listen intently every time a broker called," Mr. Tucker says.
    17. As Mandela called for a new South Africa, the guards intently watched the crowd with binoculars for any threat.
    18. Team members peer intently at fresh-cut hams, beef rounds and legs of lamb, arrayed like a butcher's dream on tables around the room.
    19. But at age 10? In the weeks that followed my daughter's revelation about Sam, I found myself observing her intently.
    20. In analyzing tomorrow's Labor Department report, analysts will focus especially intently on the number of workers on nonfarm payrolls, which surged by 549,000 in October.
    21. The tumult surrounding the opening up of East Germany was watched intently by half of those interviewed, the survey found.
    22. Middle-aged women in sun hats peered intently at the pond.
    23. The jurors watched intently as Iran-Contra prosecutor Dan Webb questioned Reagan in rapid-fire fashion.
    24. Kennedy listened intently and took notes during the hour of technical discussion.
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