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 glare [glєә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 闪耀光, 刺眼

vi. 发眩光, 瞪视

vt. 瞪眼表示

[医] 眩光, 眩耀, 眩目

  1. The sun glared on the sea.
  2. They stood there, glaring at each other.
  3. The windows were tinted to reduce the glare.

[ noun ]
  1. a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted

  2. <noun.attribute>
    a glare of sunlight
  3. an angry stare

  4. <noun.act>
  5. a focus of public attention

  6. <noun.state>
    he enjoyed being in the limelight
    when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency
[ verb ]
  1. look at with a fixed gaze

  2. <verb.body> glower
    The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her
  3. be sharply reflected

  4. <verb.weather>
    The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface
  5. shine intensely

  6. <verb.perception>
    The sun glared down on us

Glare \Glare\ (gl[^a]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Glared}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Glaring}.] [OE. glaren, gloren; cf. AS. gl[ae]r
amber, LG. glaren to glow or burn like coals, D. gloren to
glimmer; prob. akin to E. glass.]
1. To shine with a bright, dazzling light.

The cavern glares with new-admitted light. --Dryden.

2. To look with fierce, piercing eyes; to stare earnestly,
angrily, or fiercely.

And eye that scorcheth all it glares upon. --Byron.

3. To be bright and intense, as certain colors; to be
ostentatiously splendid or gay.

She glares in balls, front boxes, and the ring.

Glare \Glare\, v. t.
To shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light.

Every eye
Glared lightning, and shot forth pernicious fire.

Glare \Glare\, n.
1. A bright, dazzling light; splendor that dazzles the eyes;
a confusing and bewildering light.

The frame of burnished steel that cast a glare.

2. A fierce, piercing look or stare.

About them round,
A lion now he stalks with fiery glare. --Milton.

3. A viscous, transparent substance. See {Glair}.

4. A smooth, bright, glassy surface; as, a glare of ice. [U.
S. ]

Glare \Glare\, a. [See {Glary}, and {Glare}, n.]
Smooth and bright or translucent; -- used almost exclusively
of ice; as, skating on glare ice. [U. S.]

  1. Direct, steely glare into the camera.
  2. Chancellor Helmut Kohl and other leaders stood in the glare of floodlights at the Reichstag building and joined in singing the national anthem.
  3. Hands shielding swollen eyes from the glare of television lights, the three little girls squirmed uncomfortably in the hospital room as they were displayed as survivors of a poison gas attack.
  4. Rescuers, working under the glare of emergency lights, placed slings under the tail section to keep it from sinking and had all survivors ashore within 40 minutes.
  5. It's the blizzards, the howling winds, the blinding glare of the sun off the snow.
  6. Back out on the barrens, in the early hours of the morning, the temperature dips below 50 degrees and fog settles in, throwing the glare of the pickup's headlights back at us.
  7. The technology, which Zenith calls "flat tension mask," reduces glare and makes pictures look clearer and brighter.
  8. She said she had confused another commuter plane for the SkyWest aircraft, and had missed the smaller plane on the runway partly because glare from lights outside the tower hindered her view.
  9. The commissioners say that the TPA decision says nothing about the system they've helped create; nothing needs to be reformed; it can all be solved "out of the glare of publicity."
  10. Under the glare of international spotlights, he was elected to the Louisiana Legislature from a nearly all-white House district in 1989 _ despite endorsements for his rival from Ronald Reagan and George Bush.
  11. American, Cuban, South African and Angolan diplomats met there last spring outside the glare of publicity to negotiate over the future of Angola and Namibia.
  12. Bakker, head bowed and bound hand and foot, arrived at the Talladega prison in eastern Alabama late Tuesday under the glare of television lights after a six-hour drive from Charlotte, N.C., where he was sentenced.
  13. Mr. Ives says the biggest challenges are to prevent glare and overheating.
  14. Mrs. White, dressed in a pink dress and pink hat, sat in a wheelchair, clutched a stuffed doll and shielded her eyes from the glare of television lights and photographers' flashes.
  15. The others glare at him.
  16. The consequences of non-compliance can be very serious.' The EC regulations recommend that employers fill out a detailed questionnaire addressing such areas as screen glare, keyboard height, adjustable seating and availability of footrests.
  17. Late in the day, when the air cools and the desert glare softens, the Remples drive their falcons to the rim of the Empty Quarter, a vast sea of sand that extends into the heart of Arabia.
  18. The host city was busy sprucing itself up for its four days in the glare of nationwide publicity.
  19. Lighting should not cause glare or reflections on the screen.
  20. Several thousand turned out at midnight to cheer Discovery as it moved in the glare of spotlights.
  21. But suddenly, in the bright glare of perestroika, the 63-year-old Mr. Castro is looking increasingly vulnerable.
  22. Under the glare of ballpark lights, a naked man and towel-clad woman framed in the window of their darkened hotel room above the SkyDome scoreboard were clearly enjoying themselves.
  23. But the sudden glare of publicity threatens to push them back into their trenches.
  24. He recalls no big parades, no rockets' red glare, no Sousa marches.
  25. More-practical steps to mitigate traffic and the pollution that goes with it are receiving increasing attention outside the glare of politics.
  26. Now, in the unaccustomed glare of the television lights, Adm.
  27. A red dispatch box on a side table is also a reminder of that time. It is a light room with windows on two walls, double glazed, and with venetian blinds to control glare and to mask an unattractive roofscape.
  28. London equities have been transfixed over the past few days by the headlight glare of grim economic tidings and sterling's increasingly fragile position within the ERM.
  29. About 40 rescue workers took part in the search under the bright glare of floodlights in mild weather Friday night.
  30. They stopped at an intersection where a half dozen men were busy filling sandbags in the glare of a truck's headlights.
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