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 Glaser ['gleizə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
格拉泽(①姓氏 ②Donald Arthur, 1926-, 美国物理学家, 曾获1960年诺贝尔物理学奖)

    [ noun ]
    United States physicist who invented the bubble chamber to study subatomic particles (born in 1926)

    1. Glaser said there have been 20 complaints about Gruenewald's actions and statements in the last two months and similar displays last year when Gruenewald had a Jewish roommate.
    2. The ABCTeleMedia AG will remain independent, with its former owner and business founder, Mr. W- Glaser, as its CEO.
    3. Four of the injured officers were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, said West Berlin police spokesman Peter Glaser.
    4. "I could get AZT," says Mrs. Glaser, who bears her infection without any symptoms.
    5. "The auction should be reasonably wellreceived if only because of lack of attractive alternatives," says Mr. Glaser.
    6. However, screening procedures not available when Mrs. Glaser had her transfusions have greatly reduced the risk of acquiring the virus through tainted blood.
    7. Mr. Glaser, whose position is newly created, had been executive director, marketing.
    8. "We saw department stores leaving the home business and putting more space into apparel," Ms. Glaser says.
    9. William Glaser, who conducted an extensive multination survey of the brain drain for the same organization in the 1970s, also concluded that "a crucial criterion is the balance between the education of professional persons and employment opportunities."
    10. "Now, with the entry of Islam, we become a holy organization," Glaser said. "Holiness is inclusive - it knows not fences. Holiness is trust and is caring beyond one's parochial boundaries.
    11. Several years ago, Grand Union Co. hired the design firm of Milton Glaser Inc., which will soon complete the overhaul of its store-brand packaging.
    12. "It's a random riot running all over the Boardwalk everywhere," said Frank Glaser, president of the Boardwalk Merchants Association.
    13. Dolce was intent on assisting South Africa its war in Angola against Soviet-backed Cuban and Marxist Angolan troops, Glaser said.
    14. Mrs. Glaser, who is a co-founder of the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, based in Santa Monica, Calif., condemned neither bureaucratic nor corporate foot-dragging.
    15. Glaser said the law was discriminatory, as well as "arbitrary, haphazard and irrational." But its flaws did not warrant throwing it out entirely, the judge said.
    16. "In fairness to him, we need to honor his privacy at this time," Glaser said.
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