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 Glasgow ['glɑ:sgəu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 格拉斯哥[英国城市]

  1. It takes quite a bit of time to get from London to Glasgow.
  2. She lives to the west of (ie further west than) Glasgow.

[ noun ]
largest city in Scotland; a port on the Clyde in west central Scotland; one of the great shipbuilding centers of the world

Glasgow \Glasgow\ n. (Geography)
The largest city in Scotland; a port in west central
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Rolls-Royce PLC, a maker of aviation engines, cut its work week from 39 to 37 hours to end a six-week strike by 2,000 engineering workers at its Glasgow plant.
  2. On the present summonses, Glasgow sought declarations that the court had no jurisdiction in respect of the claims and asked that the actions be dismissed.
  3. Scotrail said the two trains were traveling in opposite directions between the Glasgow suburbs of Springburn and Milngavie when they collided just before 1 p.m. outside Bellgrove station, two miles from the center of Glasgow.
  4. Scotrail said the two trains were traveling in opposite directions between the Glasgow suburbs of Springburn and Milngavie when they collided just before 1 p.m. outside Bellgrove station, two miles from the center of Glasgow.
  5. Proposals for the insertion of an art gallery inside the shell of that neglected masterpiece, Alexander 'Greek' Thompson's Caledonia Road Church in Glasgow, by Gillian McInnes may prompt more action to save that splendid building.
  6. BAA, the airports operator, launched a Pounds 60m investment programme yesterday to improve international passenger services at Glasgow airport. The development will be the second stage in the extension and improvement of the airport.
  7. The spokeman said Clydesdale, based in Glasgow, Scotland, "has taken disciplinary action concerning two officials following an internal inquiry into matters covered by the bank's staff rules for share dealing."
  8. At Glasgow this tall tree is covered in buds, like tight little pin-cushions, and brilliant scarlet puffs of flower.
  9. The BBC will make more programmes outside London, Mr John Birt, director-general, said yesterday. He told the Scottish Press Fund in Glasgow that the BBC had 'developed far too much as a London-based institution'.
  10. He was asked about a report in Glasgow's Sunday Post newspaper quoting former Israeli intelligence official Raphael Eitan as saying he was sure the May 15 Palestinian group was responsible.
  11. He craves a challenge," says Mr. Glasgow.
  12. Only in Glasgow, as part of its annual Mayfest splurge of artistic activity, has this Russian company been able to present all eight plays in its current British repertory: four at the Citizens Theatre, four at the Tramway.
  13. Among the worshipers were 25 activists who had marched about 600 miles from Glasgow, Scotland.
  14. In the Glasgow branch foods such as dried shrimps, seaweed, chocolate pretzels and butter cookies are among the best-sellers. The new store opens at 157 Kensington High Street, London W8 today and there is plenty of new merchandise.
  15. He knew how to get a newsroom going." Born James Samuel Rennie in Glasgow, Scotland, he came to Canada when he was 11 and grew up in Norwich, Ontario.
  16. Compaq, the US computer company whose European sales recently overtook those of International Business Machines, is to spend a further Pounds 10m expanding its manufacturing plant at Erskine near Glasgow.
  17. The Holts own Holt Leisure Parks based in Greenock, near Glasgow.
  18. In addition, the government will provide an additional $263,500 to support the 1990 European Film Awards in Glasgow, Scotland.
  19. However, there was an exceptional charge of Pounds 6m to cover re-organisation at the Rogerstone rolling mill, involving 246 job losses, and smaller numbers in Glasgow and Falkirk.
  20. Held in London at brokerage James Capel & Co. and at hotels in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, the sessions illustrate how much power a group of about 50 money managers wields over bids in Britain.
  21. Only one community, Glasgow, Mont., appeared on both the lists of daily highs and lows.
  22. "It was an overweening use of government authority," said Arnold Kemp, editor of the Glasgow Herald.
  23. Four Cypriot fans were arrested on rioting charges in the violence that erupted after the Glasgow Rangers scored a goal to clinch a 3-2 victory in the final 10 seconds of a see-saw game.
  24. A Nigerian government scholarship took him to Glasgow University in 1961 to study accountancy.
  25. An international survey conducted by Clare Roberts at the University of Glasgow in 1990 suggested that only 13 per cent disclosed environmental information. That proportion is growing fast, however.
  26. This has been offset by further improvements in operating efficiency.' The Glasgow trade and business centre, launched in 1992, continued to perform up to expectations.
  27. Mr Sheridan, standing for Glasgow Pollok, made his name as an anti-poll-tax campaigner.
  28. The boat was conceived for Glasgow's 1989 Mayfest to underscore the erosion of Britain's maritime pre-eminence and the decline in shipbuilding on the River Clyde.
  29. A leading article in the newspaper I picked up in Glasgow called for the introduction of a tough management regime for the loch.
  30. Glasgow's main Post Office building could become a new national art gallery for Scotland.
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