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 glaring ['glɛrɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 闪耀的, 炫目的, 瞪视的

  1. They stood there, glaring at each other.
  2. Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
  3. Glaring in or as if in anger, terror, or madness.

[ adj ]
  1. shining intensely

  2. <adj.all>
    the blazing sun
    blinding headlights
    dazzling snow
    fulgent patterns of sunlight
    the glaring sun
  3. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

  4. <adj.all>
    a crying shame
    an egregious lie
    flagrant violation of human rights
    a glaring error
    gross ineptitude
    gross injustice
    rank treachery

Glare \Glare\ (gl[^a]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Glared}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Glaring}.] [OE. glaren, gloren; cf. AS. gl[ae]r
amber, LG. glaren to glow or burn like coals, D. gloren to
glimmer; prob. akin to E. glass.]
1. To shine with a bright, dazzling light.

The cavern glares with new-admitted light. --Dryden.

2. To look with fierce, piercing eyes; to stare earnestly,
angrily, or fiercely.

And eye that scorcheth all it glares upon. --Byron.

3. To be bright and intense, as certain colors; to be
ostentatiously splendid or gay.

She glares in balls, front boxes, and the ring.

Glaring \Glar"ing\, a.
Clear; notorious; open and bold; barefaced; as, a glaring
crime. -- {Glar"ing*ly}, adv.

  1. The rear side shows a young woman wearing a white laboratory coat and glaring at a battery of dials and buttons that could be straight out of a bad science fiction movie.
  2. The glaring instance where a Japanese concern is considered to have overpaid was Bridgestone's acquisition of Firestone.
  3. One glaring example is that while the Japanese, like the British, drive on the left side of the road and thus put steering wheels on the right side of the car, the Big Three export only left-drive vehicles to Japan.
  4. Kiszczak, in his TV address, had urged that glaring offenders against the peace be jailed in summary proceedings, not just fined.
  5. The faults have become more glaring. The trouble is that there is nothing to show that this Antony either was or deserved to be a triple pillar of the world.
  6. It is both his greatest strength and his most glaring weakness.
  7. The curators have decided to confront the glaring absence rather than ignore it, and so have arranged the preliminary works around life-sized black-and-white photographs.
  8. Anyone who did not vote soon after polls opened at 8 a.m. risked a long wait under a glaring spring sun.
  9. During a postmortem on a televised concert in Germany, they complain about the glaring lights ("If I was in the audience I would have left," snorts cellist David Soyer).
  10. There are two glaring flaws in the minority-majority theory.
  11. The most glaring discrepancy involved the number of times that Mr. Levine said he tapped his network of contacts and alerted his superiors to impending corporate takeover bids, subcommittee sources said.
  12. The church's huge outlay for schools for the nation's young parallels the efforts of public schools but with one glaring difference _ no help from community taxes.
  13. Critics say the most glaring sign of government foot-dragging is its reaction to housing needs.
  14. On the stand, Canty wore a suit and tie and was well groomed. Slotnick placed a large photograph near Canty of him in sneakers and a jacket glaring at a photographer.
  15. These handicaps, Mr. Necker says, will become glaring as competition intensifies.
  16. The items in some newspapers last week about CV bloomers collected by Accountemps, the Birmingham-based financial recruitment consultants, made me wonder whether anyone has ever spotted any glaring mistakes on CVs attached to the top jobs.
  17. The major part is invested in its roll-up vehicle, the Old Court International Reserves fund. Most managers also feel that roll-up funds have ceased to be an Inland Revenue target, as the two glaring loopholes have already been closed.
  18. We've done so in my own state." Dukakis' answer was flat and bloodless, and it was remembered by voters because it "captured the candidate's most glaring vulnerabilities," according to the book.
  19. The instrumental textures have a coarse, glaring impact upon the voices; one was reminded (as one never was by Goodall) that the New Theatre is a small house for Tristan in full flood.
  20. While those numbers indicate the scope of a problem exacerbated by the crack epidemic, others suggest glaring inadequacies in treatment.
  21. The summit reports describe some glaring gaps in achievement which are likely to get bigger before they get smaller, and may not shrink at all without radical policy changes in the laggard states.
  22. "At the moment, the lack of granaries is a glaring problem.
  23. The more glaring negatives against the company are easy enough to sum up: real estate, syndication, and Southwest.
  24. SELDOM CAN the mismatch between the challenges facing the European Community and its capacity to act on them have been as glaring as at today's Edinburgh summit.
  25. Rather than a leader, IBM has been a glaring stock market laggard.
  26. "Anderson allegedly sought the victim out (after the interview appeared) and followed her in a van, glaring in her direction," Markey said in a written statement released after the arraignment. "She was able to get the license number.
  27. One of the most glaring deficiencies in the Foreign Agricultural Service involves language skills, the GAO said, which are necessary "to effectively communicate" in host countries.
  28. The advanced countries were so caught up in their guilt complexes that they dared not tell Third World countries of their glaring management errors.
  29. The actress is wasted here, the most glaring example of another promise left unfulfilled by this insider's tale of Tinseltown.
  30. Basically, we met the enemy, and them was us." The consortium's failings are all the more glaring when viewed against the backdrop of the group's dramatic initial triumph.
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