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 freakishly 添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 朝三暮四. 见异思迁地

    [ adv ]
    the weather has been freakishly variable

    Freakish \Freak"ish\, a.
    Apt to change the mind suddenly; whimsical; capricious.

    It may be a question whether the wife or the woman was
    the more freakish of the two. --L'Estrange.

    Freakish when well, and fretful when she's sick.

    2. rapidly changing and unpredictable; as, freakish weather.

    3. markedly abnormal.

    Syn: freaky.
    [PJC] -- {Freak"ish*ly}, adv. -- {Freak"ish*ness}, n.

    1. The panic that followed the publication of freakishly bad German money supply figures this week was a measure of the nervous temperature of this market.
    2. State meteorologist Oernulf Fremming said January was a balmy 28 degrees warmer than normal _ and February was just as freakishly pleasant.
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