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 freakishness 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 异想;易变性

  1. otherwise you have no  qulification to rebuke his  freakishness since you dont love her.
  2. Vesta, with the unaccountable freakishness of children had deliberately dropped it behind the divan, an action which Jennie did not notice at the time.
  3. Whether moved only by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spirit prompted her, she put up her small forefinger, and touched the scarlet letter.

[ noun ]
marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal

Freakish \Freak"ish\, a.
Apt to change the mind suddenly; whimsical; capricious.

It may be a question whether the wife or the woman was
the more freakish of the two. --L'Estrange.

Freakish when well, and fretful when she's sick.

2. rapidly changing and unpredictable; as, freakish weather.

3. markedly abnormal.

Syn: freaky.
[PJC] -- {Freak"ish*ly}, adv. -- {Freak"ish*ness}, n.

freakishness \freakishness\ n.
marked strangeness or abnormality.

Syn: abnormality.
[WordNet 1.5]

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